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acne tips?

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I find cycling through various acne medications helps, because often they work at first and then my skin gets used to it.


My sister swears by "Proactive." However, be warned, it will bleach your towels and pillow cases! (Why I don't use it despite being acne-prone myself)


You might want to observe if what you eat causes breakouts. I find if I eat a lot of greasy food, I will break out badly. Ditto for chocolate (I was bad this Halloween. Oops). They say that mild allergies to foods can cause breakouts.

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If you have real acne then you might want to see a doctor. They can prescribe creams or pills to help you out. It's better to do this sooner than later because of scarring.


Over the counter acne treatments are generally only good if you have mild pimples. Proper acne is generally hormonal and requires a stronger medication.


I know how you feel. Acne can be bad for your self-esteem. I had it and I saw my doctor and she gave me Differin, which has helped tremendously.

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i had a major problem with acne for a long time. I work in a factory and i thought that it might have been the dirt in there but i changed the way i eat and went off of softdrink and my skin is as clear as anything now.so for me it was all my diet

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I have never used proactive before however I have been to a dermatologist and she recommended a cleaning routine including differin and retin-a plus some yummy smelling sunscreens that were to die for!! that worked...you basically have to wash your face with some sort of medicated stuff every night and every morning no matter if you get a prescription or something available at the pharmacy. you have to do it every day for it to be effective...

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my skin cleared up a lot while I was on antibiotics (for something unrelated). so for me, I think bacteria may be causing my breakouts.


I've found that sulfur masks work well for me. they smell terrible, but they kill bacteria.


I think everyone's cause of acne is different and you may have to try things out for a while before you find something that works.


I tried proactiv for a while and it made my skin 2x worse!

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Drink a ton of water. Wash your face in the morning and at night, but not with a harsh chemical (I just use water, and I swear it works best for me). Always put a thick layer of moisturizer after you wash your face or shower. (I like garnier lotion).


Before you go to bed, pop any whiteheads but be gentle and use tissue instead of your fingernail. Then apply vitamin E or Neem Oil.

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If it's bad enough or nothing else works, ask your dermatorogist about Accutane. This is why it's so important to go to your dermatologist. Mine finally broke down after 3 years and gave me the thing. My skin was flawless and now it's mostly clear.

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Something I started doing that was a lifesaver for me as a teenager was changing my pillow case EVERY OTHER NIGHT! I'd sleep on one side one night and another side the other night. It gave me amazing results. I'd tell you others, but I've already seen these tips posted. Good luck! I still battle with acne on my neck once a month

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Crabtree and Evelyn makes a glycerine soap called Rosewater. It gets the oil off, but at the same time, doesn't dry your skin out. I've had bad acne problems since 5th or 6th grade and I've found that, while the Rx work somewhat, that glycerine soap is amazing.

Another product that really helps is Aveda Rosemary Mint hand and body wash. The mint helps cool your skin. And Aveda's products have a lot of organic/natural stuff in them, which is nice

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im still not sure what the whole vitamin E is for, apparently its just a moisturizer. i looked into it and it didnt really say anything about acne...


It's much more than a moisturizer. It has magical healing powers. Okay, maybe not magical, but about as close as you can get.

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Three words:




Smells awful but works. You can even use 100% tea tree oil and buy it at a health/beauty store or maybe a pharmacy and a little bottle costs ~ $10.00 but it lasts a long time so don't worry.


It's pretty strong stuff be careful, just a dot/brush on pimples or mix it with lotion or water to spread over face if you have acne or blemishes.


Also, I had a bad experience using 100% because I just used a tiny bit but the smell filled my entire house. The smell was still there the whole day and we had to open all the windows and doors to get it out. I had a terrible headache. My mom was so pissed off at me. It smelled so nice and fresh in the house the next day though and my skin looked really good.


It's better to buy it already in scrubs/washes/gels though because the smell isn't so strong and you don't run the risk of irritating your skin like you do with 100%.


Try link removed they have a great tea tree products that I reccomend. Especially the mattifying gel because it controls oil and shrinks pores over time.


Also, don't believe the myths that pizza/chocolate/whatever cause acne.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had mild acne( some here, some there, clear for a while, on and off) when I was in my teens..


I STILL have a few break outs once in a while, but considering the line of work I'm in, my face is amazing.. Only if I don't wash for a day or two like I should do I get a pimple.


You can buy this stuff at some places, but online is generally the easiest to find..


Look up Glytone.


It's a glycolic acid wash. It's very very mild, and doesn't dry you out like salcylic acid..


You can get the wash, the toner, and the cream. You wash at night, toner, and then the cream at bed. It's not colored, doesn't smell, doesn't stain. It's practically invisible rubbed in. You can spot treat with it, and it WILL dry them up in a day.


Wash in the morning, rinse, and wash with the face wash.


Thats all you do. Maintain it like that EVERYDAY, and your skin will be dry slightly for a week, and then with the use of a non-comedegenic lotion/moisturizer.. You will be set.


I'd suggest Cetaphil. It's the best lotion for your face, that won't cause break outs.


Proactive doesn't work. It's junk for most people.. Glytone however, all my friends use, my girlfriend, me, my ex girlfriend.. I know several that use it, and regardless of the higher price for it, it WORKS!

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  • 1 year later...
my skin cleared up a lot while I was on antibiotics (for something unrelated). so for me, I think bacteria may be causing my breakouts.


That was exactly what happened to me! I thought it was coincidence but looks like you've confirmed it. I was on antibiotics for something else for about 2 weeks and my pimples cleared up so much I couldn't believe it. Got off the those pills and they're back. It's so frustrating especially when I already wash my about 2 to 3 times a day.

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Go to a dermatoligist. There are a lot of different types of acne and without knowing more I couldn't recommend much of anything. If it is severe and really acne then accutane is probably the only thing that will work. If it is not acne, but you have acne pimples, then GENTLE cleansing daily and something like benzoyl peroxide might work.

Less severe acne Retin-A is good.


See how it really depends?


Antibiotics do nothing for someone with acne pimples but not true acne. And someone with real acne will be largely unaffected by their diet. They are going to get pimples whether they eat healthy or fatty foods, etc. It won't matter much.

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