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Good places to meet laidies


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Restaurants (employees), school (classmates), the gym (other members), charity event (what's hotter than a woman donating her time to a good cause?), volunteering at a hospital, coaching a sports team (daughters and sisters of kids you're coaching), Starbucks (you'll see that they get many regulars there and some baristas can be a good source too), friends (your friends have female friends, who also have friends), and many, many more. Women are everywhere - the only part you have to do is to be able to talk to them and learn how to approach them and handle them in a non-threatening manner.

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I need some advice on where to go to find atractive girls and be able to talk to them without invading their space too much. Something like a bookstore. I just need some ideas.




If you keep feeling like you are an inconvienience to women then your lack of self confidence will show through, which will make it much harder to attract them. You should work on dismissing this feeling as if you are "invading their space" because it is always going to be a barrier for you when meeting women.


Think about guys that you see who are good with women. Do you see them worry or show that they feel that they are "invading their space"? No. They just do what they have to do and in turn they attract more women.

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Just talk to them. You don't have to hit on them. Just be friendly. And, as the other posters have pointed out, you can do this just about everything.


I find the idea of going to a bookstore, or any other public place, just to meet women a little creepy. Just do what you enjoy, and while you're there, take the time to chat with people (including sexy women.)

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