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So how much does a guys looks really matter to a girl?


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I know this one guy who is honestly a 5/10 in looks and he is having sex with 3 girls consistently every time I talk to him. And he's broke as a joke. I actually think he's pretty annoying. If what you're saying is true, then how is this possible?

So this proves what? He manipulates multiple women just for sexual gratification. Sounds like the perfect guy for emulation. I hope he gets tested for STI's weekly.

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So this proves what? He manipulates multiple women just for sexual gratification. Sounds like the perfect guy for emulation. I hope he gets tested for STI's weekly.

It proves the whole point of the thread, that guys can get great looking girls even if they're ugly or poor. We're not even talking about if what he's doing is right or wrong. That's not even the topic of discussion.

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how do u know what they look like?

I know some of these girls. He's a loose friend of mine and they freely admit to having sex with him. I've seen the man in action at bars, clubs, on lunch breaks, the mall, everywhere. He's has skill, I see it with my own two eyes and hear it with my ears.

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Looks are huge. Despite what girls and guys say, without good looks = no physical attraction. Physical attraction makes up a LARGE portion of relationships... whether people admit it or not.

This is the way girls think, not guys.


I'm short, so i just have to suck it up i guess.

This is a self limiting belief you've set up to explain your failures. Being short has nothing to do with it. Plenty of short guys getting girls. I see em doing it. No excuses, any guy can learn how to do this.

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Looks are subjective - entirely subjective. And you know the weird phenomenon, when good looking people can become less attractive as you get used to their looks, and not so good looking people can become absolutely gorgeous to you as you get to know them. It's a weird thing - but when you're really into someone, you like their looks more and more as you get to know them.


Plus, the hottest, sexiest guy I ever knew was objectively pretty ugly - but that in itself became gorgeous. It's about the person. Pretty boys who are shallow, the looks wear off in about ten minutes after you meet them.


I could list loads of celebrities who aren't that good looking, but are really attractive for other reasons: Jeff Goldblum, Jack Black, Rowan Atkinson, Russell Crowe when he's porked up, Marilyn Manson (A lot of girls fancy him rotten), the sex pistols, etc etc. It's not just about the looks. It's about the person, the attitude, the life. I would never find good looking but bland attractive.

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I think looks are important. Just the same as how a woman looks to a man.


BUT...generally i believe women are more inclined to look beyond the initial "is he fit" and look at the person as a whole - rather then men who tend to judge on 1st apperences (NOTE: this is generalisation...i know there are men and women who do the oppostite)

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"Game?" Oh my, another shallow thread.


Oh ok, I admit it. My boyfriend is (to me at any rate) very good looking. When I met him I thought "Wow...just a bit taller than me, really slim, dark long hair, GOOD facial hair, big brown eyes with amazing eyelashes..." etc etc.


However...I was soon to learn that only that year he'd developed anorexia, shrinking from over 220lbs to 140lbs or so in just a few months before we got together.


When I saw the photos and he asked me "You wouldn't even have considered me if I still looked like that, would you?" it pained me to be honest, but honest I was... "No", I said, "I wouldn't. You just wouldn't have attracted me at all".


I'm an intelligent person, and I know that we wouldn't still be together after a year if he wasn't as well educated, bright, original and witty as he is. Or as loving, open and caring. But looks...yes, very important in that case.

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...just out of curiosity, do u think i would be considered attractive?

Um... that would be a definite *YES* ,\\ ... (and geez, I'm sooo sorry you even have to ask?!?)


As to the other part of your question... I've been interested in all types of guys from handsome to ugly, tall to short, fat to skinny... but yeah, you're pretty darned cute.

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I know this one guy who is honestly a 5/10 in looks and he is having sex with 3 girls consistently every time I talk to him. And he's broke as a joke. I actually think he's pretty annoying. If what you're saying is true, then how is this possible?



Sounds like a definite winner to me. Annoying, broke as a joke and not into monogamy. Please tell me how can I get his number? I'd love to be his next in line.




Sounds like a turn-off rather than a turn-on to me. But again, that's just me.

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Sounds like a definite winner to me. Annoying, broke as a joke and not into monogamy. Please tell me how can I get his number? I'd love to be his next in line.




Sounds like a turn-off rather than a turn-on to me. But again, that's just me.


I guess some girls out there are attracted to guys that are broke, disloyal and ugly, takes all kinds and all that I guess.

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It's not looks that matter - it's attraction - I've been unattracted to men who look like male models and attracted to men with objectively below average looks. I've never wanted to date a man with below average intelligence though or with a below average character/values.

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People tend to associate intelligence with ridiculous traits that have nothing to do with it at all.


I can tutor the young girl with maths, I can make her laugh and give her good advice, but at the end of the day she won't have a bar of me because I am not as pretty as the next man. And the same would go for me, that I would not tutor the woman nor tell her jokes, if she weren't as pretty as she is.

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