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I can't seem to transcend myself without a girlfriend...


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I know that sounds sad, and that is how I'm feeling right now. In the past, my last year of high school, I was able to really feel like myself when I just decided to have fun in my life and that actually attracted some girls. But now as an RA, it feels like my only relief from my problems would be to have a girlfriend. I know that is not the answer and as of tomorrow, since I have lots of free time (2 classes instead of 4) to plan things out and recover from this and my grades in life. Does anyone know a way of concentrating on other things in life and not worrying about love?

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Just keep your eyes on the prize. Now is the time to focus on yourself and on your future. Focus, focus, focus. Your grades matter. Your life matters. If you're lonely, hang out with your friends a little more or take on an extra project or get an internship. If you keep doing things to improve yourself and you acknowledge how important they are to your personal development, you'll stay focused and be happy with your accomplishments. Then, someday (soon, probably), you'll find someone who compliments your lifestyle and makes you happy.

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I suppose it would seem to make all my other problems seem minisucle compared to having someone. I would have a bad day, but having a girlfriend would cheer me up, despite how bad my life might be at that point in time. But I'm thinking too emotionally. Nothing in life is in black and white. It never was.

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If you feel empty or complicated right now, a girl in your life won't necessarilly fix your problem.


We all have those moments when we feel like "wow, I wish I had a girlfriend" but we never stop to think that:

a. girls come with their own set of stressful problems

b. despite the idea of sharing your life, you can still feel very much alone in a relationship

c. they may smell nice and feel nice, but they can hurt you equally as bad and frustrate you beyong belief.


Above all else:


What the heck are you thinking here? Is the word your maybe looking for stability? I could possibly see that, but not simplify.

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You are missing the endorphin kick from having fun & being in a relationship. Join a gym, and a club, in that order. You need to raise your endorphins, and be around people in a non-pressured social environment. Go do this stuff today; you're at risk for depression.

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