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My daddy passed away in August and it's his birthday on Saturday, i wrote this for him.


What you are to us.


To my Daddy,


Since that fateful day,

the day the angels took you away,

The clock hands stopped turning

The fire stopped burning

It seems we're just learning,

what you are to us


On the day you learnt of you fate,

You made a list, no time to wait

You ticked them off one by one

In 15 months they were all done

Still we're learning

what you are to us


You stood tall made us unite,

You never gave in, you won the fight

You protected us, arms open wide

The strenght you bore gave me such pride

yet we're just learning

what you are to us


You watched the sunrise from your bed

Your angel of mercy around your head

You told us of heaven in your very own way

Then so peaceful so calmly you lay

We're still learning

what you are to us


Though all is not lost, without you near

with your ambition, your passion, your lack of fear

Together again one day we'll be

Until that day you'll watch over me

I know

what you are to us


Not a day goes by when i don't see your face,

A joke a smile so full of grace

Now i know you're not far away

I feel you with me Through-out the day

So much

You are to us


Sleep tightly now daddy, your work here is done,

The love that you showed us will never be gone,

In memories of you, Spirts run high

So God bless you daddy, but never goodbye


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What a wonderful touching poem that is that you've written for your father. You have a great knack for writing.


I am so sorry for your loss. I realize the difficulty you must be going through missing your father, especially on his birthday. .


Not quite three years ago I lost my husband and the father of my children. It is always hard when those special times come around. My late husbands birthday will be Nov 10th and I can understand the feelings of missing a loved one that is gone.


My thoughts are with you.

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