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risk of pregnancy?


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I have a question I've been trying to find an answer to, but since it's very circumstantial, I'm hoping someone here can help me out.


Last night my boyfriend and I started fooling around. Before he put a condom on, we were rubbing our bodies together -- but I still had my underwear on. I could feel that he precummed on my inner thighs and on the outside of my underwear (not near the vaginal opening, but above the clit region). I told him to put on a condom, so he did, and then I took of my underwear. We continued fooling around, etc., with him rubbing his penis around my vaginal area. He never penetrated and kept the condom on the entire time, but my worry is that maybe when he was doing this, he moved the precum closer to my vagina. We stopped fooling around shortly thereafter, and I jumped into the shower and washed up down there. In the meantime, he finished himself off. Because I was worried, I felt the outside of the condom and it was dry (so perhaps it didn't move the precum?).


Overall, I am a very safe person. Fortunately, I've been on Ortho Tricyclen Lo for about a year and a half to two years and am pretty regular. However, last night was the last day on my placebo (sugar pill) week when I have my period. Since mine usually ends early, I felt ok engaging in this activity. I've looked online to find out if you are still safe to engage in sexual activities during this week of inactive pills, and the general consensus is yes. But since this was the very LAST day on that week, I'm afraid maybe the hormones will have faded. As soon as I got home (within an hour), I started up my new pack of pills (and thereforeeee hormones).


Am I just being overly paranoid or is there a risk of pregnancy?


Thanks everyone.

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Of course there's a risk of pregnancy. There always is no matter how much protection you use.. that's just the risk of having sex.


I would try not to worry too much about it. Chances are if you have been good with taking your pills at the same time every day, then you have a slim chance of getting pregnant.


And even if you haven't, I would say by what you described, you have a slim chance of being pregnant.

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It's safe to engage in sexual activity when you are on the placebo/sugar pill. The pill works the whole time, as long as you take it consistently and do not have other factors interfering (antibiotics, illnes, etc)


Given the added protection of the condom you had, and the fact that before the condom, the pre-ejaculate was never in your vagina- I don't think you need to worry at all.


It would be virtually impossible for you to get pregnant from what you described.




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It's good to be cautious but you are fine. Everyone here will tell you that. If you are on the pill and take it regularly, the chances of you becoming pregnant are almost 0. This applies to all times of the pill cycle. The hormones don't "fade". As for the precum, again, there is a very very low chance that you would get pregnant from that. All up, I can say you are pretty safe. If it still plays on your mind (it always does), buy a home pregnancy test and if your period is late, take it. It sounds like your period is due soon anyway.

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For 10 years I was on the pill and had sex without a condom (ejaculation and all). I never got pregnant.


You were on the pill, used a condom, and the pre-ejaculate was not inside you.


Your chances of pregnancy are seriously impossible.


In order for you to get pregnant under those circumstances:


*the pill would have to fail- that alone is extremely rare (the pill is over 99% effective)


* if the pill failed, the pre-ejaculate that was on your thigh would have to make it into your vagina, and even then, if it made it "in", the sperm count would be very low.



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I agree with the others. It doesn't seem very likely that you could have become pregnant. I wouldn't worry over it too much between now and when your period is due to start. I highly doubt there is anything to be worrying over since you were protected with the pill, and the condom.

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