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Should I try to become a geologist or an accountant

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So no one is going to make a decision for me ? I was hoping I would not have to make it and thereforeeee not need to hold myself accountable. I really should have done this sooner, five years sooner.


i really hope you're kidding. there's a ton of info on the net about information for each of these fields. you really should do your own research, weigh pros/cons (you can describe them here), then we can comment on that. but it's your life, your decision. if you want people here to take you more seriously, you should do more of your own research.

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I don't know.. there aren't many geologists and employment is heavily dependant on commodity prices and demand. Accounting is always a sure thing, but geology can lead to exploring remote and interesting places, an opportunity to travel and learn about something bigger than a balance sheet.


That being said is not unique to me, you cannot always get what you want !!!

if you want some statistics there are roughly 148,000 accountants compared to 7800 geologists. Unemployment for geologists is low, but this maybe due to an estimated 5000 that have left the industry. Accounting on the other hand will earn an international an immediate PR, has a growth of 10% employment compared to geology which is 2.5% expected to grow slightly into 2010.


I asked my parentsand they have told me I should study geology, because as a kid i was always nuts about science and got really good marks in it.

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Geology isn't necessarily a small field because of small demand. It requires a lot of skills and an innate curiosity that many people simply don't have. As environmental issues such as global warming push ahead to the forefront of world awareness, I suspect this is a field that will really take off.


Accounting is a sure thing in a world where we are mostly concentrated on material wealth. But, I believe people are starting to recognize our environment is peril, and may change their way of living. For example, buy products that quickly wear themselves out and thus create bigger landfills and other environmental dangers.

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Rodeo-rider, my boyfriend is an accountant and likewise loathes it. Interestingly, he has a great interest in science and I am hoping one day he puts it to use, because he could be an invaluable contributor in that field.

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I was gonna do accounting it seems like the best decision to make. But i've never made good decisions before so no need to start now.


I can't help but wonder if any of our feedback really registered with you, Captain Planet.


At any rate, many of us have to learn the long and hard way if we chose the wrong career, so I guess you won't be the first if it turns out you truly despise being an accountant.

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My friend is currently *just* finishing his geology degree, and he loves it. He's actually got a job lined up, that will pay him a pretty good entry rate, plus company car, cellphone, the works. They're also willing to pay for post-grad studies, if he wants to do that.


He chose geology, simply because he loves the outdoors.


Personally, if I was to choose between the two, I'd go with geology purely because of job-satisfaction. Also, I prefer the science field because of what you learn there. I've done business papers, and they hold very little interest for me.


Perhaps you could take some papers from each department during your first semester, and see which you really liked or disliked most out of them?

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I can't help but wonder if any of our feedback really registered with you, Captain Planet.



People come here for advise so that they can make a better-informed decision. Not to have their lives controlled.


Science sounds safe for now. Hope you enjoy the next 3 years and find a cool job in the end!

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All I'm going to say is that I know 3 accountants, one of which is my boyfriend, and two of which are my sisters.


All my older sisters would tell me while I was in college was: "Whatever you do, don't be an accountant!"


It's not meaningful, emotionally satisfying work, sitting there playing with numbers all day.


When you choose a career, you have to think of two things: what you like/enjoy, and financial security.


One thing that does concern me, however, is the demand for geologists. I'm not familiar with the field, and what types of jobs exist in the field. But you really need to check out the demand for geologists, or else you could end up wasting YEARS of your life working at a job that's not related to your degree/career choice, making less money than you should be, all the while looking for a job in your field. Know what I mean?

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People come here for advise so that they can make a better-informed decision. Not to have their lives controlled.


I hope you aren't saying that my comment was from a "controlling" standpoint. My feeling is that a lot of us gave well thought-out advice, and we're just getting brief answers in return from Captain Planet that aren't addressing many of the points we've raised. To me, it literally does read as if he only skimmed over our answers, but whatever.


As a side note, I have a BS (Bachelor of Science), but it's in business. I'm not sure if in Australia a BS is an actual science degree, here it isn't necessarily.

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Australian BSC is in science. Commerce is accounting.


"One thing that does concern me, however, is the demand for geologists. I'm not familiar with the field, and what types of jobs exist in the field. But you really need to check out the demand for geologists, or else you could end up wasting YEARS of your life working at a job that's not related to your degree/career choice, making less money than you should be, all the while looking for a job in your field. Know what I mean?" - jilligirl


Once more my fickle mind is having second thoughts. If anyone knew what the demand for geologists was going it would make them very rich. Its related to commodity prices and demand for exploration, in Australia at least. Demand at the moment is amazing but that is expected to grow only minorly until 2010 I think it depends on China.


I've heard there are way too many proffesionals in Australia. Probably making anything hard.

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Yeah, our education system is different to your in the US. We enrol in a named degree, engineering, commerce, biological sciences, legal studies ect inwhich we have a limited choice of related majors, sometimes there are no electives. Commerce is generally the degree which is designed for an accounting major, other than purely an accounting degree, but they end up being pretty much the same thing. Same goes for a Bach. science you complete a common first year, then you can choose from a large number of science related majors.

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