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Should I try to become a geologist or an accountant

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Hi Captain Planet

Be true to yourself. When you think of each area of study take a quite moment to see how you feel inside. Do you feel excited and inspired?

Geology sounds very interesting.

I miss the markets I used to go to where there were so many beautiful rocks in their raw state. It is such a beautiful thing to learn about.

Make your desciion based on what uplifts your soul not to just do what may be the normal or expected path for you.

There is so much hard work with study and you will enjoy it and are likely to excel much better if you pick the one your heart is in. Time for some self reflection but this will pay of.

Good Luck.

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My opinion is that if what you LOVE doesn't pay the bills, you're better off doing a job you don't love that PAYS ridiculously well so that you can afford to do the stuff you love in your spare time.


Remember, whatever you have to do day in and day out becomes work, even if you ORIGINALLY loved it. True, the ideal situation is to do something you love and make tons of money at it. But no matter how much you love your job if you can't make ends meet you will be miserable.


I have a diploma in Marketing and I'm working towards a Bachelor of Science. Together the two will offer me a world of possibilities, even though my DREAM JOB would be something different. But because of my career I have the money and flexibility to enjoy my hobbies (working with dogs) which STAY hobbies because they're not my full-time job.


Stuff to think about...

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I couldn't possibly address which area, if either, you might have an aptitude for. I suggest you go see a college guidance councelor for that.


As for which you might enjoy, I don't know that either.


Here's what I do know, or think I know. A geologist will spend time out in the field and probably needs to be in decent physical condition.


An accountant is an office worker and a desk jockey (like me today). However, our on staff accountant spends every day at her desk all day long, except lunch breaks and occasional other short social breaks. Does that sound like an appealing life style to you? Not to me.


Luckily, my job (programming, support, creating legal documents, real estate documents, creating-editing-managing websites, and some sales and pr work too, and yes some accounting as well because I sometimes write programs for that and must understand accounting and get far into it) gets me away from my desk about 1/3 of the time, which is a nice relief. I personally wouldn't want a job that was always a desk job.


On the other hand, I have many old injuries that would make a job in the field difficult or impossible for me if I was always out and about. I have it good. 2/3 physically restful desk job and 1/3 field work going out and fixing computers and such.


I personally am not capable of spending all my time in the field and I don't want to spend it all at a desk. I like the mixture of the two.


Of the two jobs you mentioned, geologist sounds more exciting to me, but also more physically demanding. I do like accounting in small doses, but I don't want most of my life spent at a desk.


I don't know if any of the above helps you, or not. Go see a college guidance councelor. See if you can spend one day with an accountant and another with a geologist. That's called job shadowing. One day with an accountant and I'll think you'll go crazy climbing the walls with boredom. No offense intended to any accountants.


Both careers pay well, at least in my area. One of the wealthiest men I know is a geologist who now owns his own geology company. I don't think money enters into this choice since both pay well.

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