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Managing regular work and small business


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Hi all,


I work for a software company which delivers software services for a Prominent Bank. I am not in a very high profile job. I am earning ok. Living comfortably. But just not happy with the kind of work I am doing.


I started a small software firm 10 months back. Initially I was managing it ok.

Another good thing about my work is that I either go early in the morning at 6:30 and get back home by 3:30 noon, or go by 1:30 noon and come back by 11:00 in the night. So when I go in the morning , I have the entire evening for free or when I go in the afternoon I have the entire morning.

I was under the impression that I can manage my side business also well.


But now I have started to feel that I lack the killer instinct for the business, I lack the skills for the business as my business as not grown much. I am not working hard have become very lethargic after finishing my regular work.

I cannot quit my job as I am married and can't take a risk of loosing out on regular income. This income even feeds my business partly as well.


I lack the time management skills. I am not managing my business well at all.


Now can someone give me some time management advice. I also want to know how does once get the killer instinct for that power shot in business , how do people find time to learn new skills? What does it take to succeed both in career and life? I also lack the business communication skills needed for it grow.


Help help and help needed.

F1 please.


Thanks in advance.

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I do hope I could one day like you managing a full time work and maintaining a part time business.


Is the regular work exhausted you?


Could you hire anyone to help manage your business?



If not, would you consider selling your business?

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