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Does Size really matter?


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ah man thnx i mean they usually are pretty shocked but then they start well you know its like those super sized lolly pops u know it feels better cuz u know u got so much of it left... also is sperm in size proportional to the size of my penis? should i be more careful ? like get her on super birth control?

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ok you might think that this post is about me talking about how small my man organ is but the problem is that it is a little bit bigger than normal girls can handle. I dont know what to do, i mean should i date a bigger girl who can take more or what?

lol, this thread is in the wrong section, perhaps. I think "Personal Growth" is more about your inner you, not the growing johnson.


As for you, I think you will be ok, depending. Just how big are you? Is it TOO big or just a rather large penis?

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LOL, just be happy and enjoy the look of shock on their faces.


Seriously though, if a woman can get a baby's head outa there then you can put your little head in.


Date whoever you want.


yeah I think that definitely there is a certain size thats right for every girl. and honestly the bigger ones make girls feel a little bit happier and more relaxed about childbirth as orange pointed out!! I dont think the size of a girl actually shows how she will handle the penis , just the size of her vagina.

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I hoping/guessing/believing that the penis ain't the only thing the woman is interested in ever. A good girth is just iceing on the cake so to speak. There's lots of other elements involved too. Girls like wide shoulders, nice butt, solid chest and bicips as well (as far as physical things go)


Ummm, we are kind of in the same boat here actually I get a kick out of the surprise element - I'm a skinny white guy who got lucky in this area. However, there's been a few occasions where I've had to "do it" a little slower and gentler because of the endowment.

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Granted! It does do a man's ego good to know he's got a BIG one... and many, many females do LOVE having something huge stuffed into them. So SyberSlidder, you are lucky to be thus 'blessed'.


But I do begin to wonder if my hero, dear old CASANOVA, would not want to turn round in his grave...

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