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Video Games


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Lately I have been having an issue with my boyfriend playing his video games... I swear he plays for hours and doesn't even think to call me or make plans with me! I feel that he wants to play these video games over me and its starting to really get to me. Has anyone been in this situation before? I've told him several times how I feel but it doesnt seem to be working out. HeLp!

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Gamer boys are hard to deal with.


Two approaches I can think of: h

1) Talk to him honestly about what you're feeling. Don't blame him, but say "When you spend so much time with the game and don't do things with me, I feel like you don't want to spend time with me. I'd feel better if you spent time with me every few days instead of playing the game."


2) If that doesn't work, stop being accessible. Make it clear that you aren't always available when he decides to look for you.


*hugs for you*


You are worth so much more than a video game. If he doesn't realize that, it's a serious problem that *he* has with his priorities. Hopefully, talking to him, or pulling away from him a little will help him realize he needs to get his priorities straight again.


Good luck, and you have my prayers!

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I agree with CB, go outside and enjoy the change of season, the nippiness in the air, the coming of winter, etc. Nature is the best television there is.


Tbone22, I do understand how you feel. My ex was a gamer like that. He would spend HOURS playing his games with me or with his friends, or by himself. It got to the point that even when we went on trips, he would drag his laptop with him and play games in the hotel. Ugh!!!


If he is like that now, he isn't going to change. Trust me on that one. I tried to get my ex to stop playing his games and do other things. He did that for a while, to try and please me. But that only lasted for so long before he would be back to his old ways. It frustrated me a lot and led to the demise of our relationship.

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That's funny, I always thought that people ruined relationships.


Addictions ruin relationships. Maybe addictions to computer games and internet chatrooms don't carry the same health dangers but they can drive the same sort of wedge between partners.

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My ex was like that too. He would seriously play for about 6 hours at a time. It's so annoying! Your boyfriend has control over what he does. I would say something to him about it. He sure better care more about you than his game. If he doesn't stop(or at least cut down on it), then maybe he's just a jerk, and who wants to waste time with a jerk?

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