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A weird question

Kevin T

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It's more of a fashioned-related question than anything else. But anyway, I dress pretty well for a guy. I like to take pride in my appearance and style and I think it shows. I generally wear polos or dress shirts and a nice, clean pair of jeans. (Always expensive brand name stuff, no doubt.) In fall and winter, I tend to a wear trench coat since I'm tall and it looks good on me.


This may seem like a trivial question, but I want to know what both guys and girls think about this: I've been thinking about getting a scarf to wear. Probably black. I'm wondering if this would be a good look or if this would cause me to appear effiminate or something strange like that. (Personally, I don't see how it possibly could, but I really was curious to see what type of feedback I get from people first.) Hell, chances are I'll just go ahead and get one anyway, but I wanted to know if anyone thought it was odd or if it should be a redflag to the opposite sex, for God knows whatever reason. lol (Hey, with women you never CAN tell what they're thinking, so...)


So, despite the somewhat triviality of this question, what do you all say?


(And BTW, this is on-topic since it DOES pertain to attraction with the opposite sex. lmao)

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I see you're in Canada so the weather is a lot different from where I am (Southern California). So if it's cold outside and fits with the outfit, it will probably look good.


However if a guy wore one where I live I'd think he was crazy.


It all depends I guess.


While surfing on the beach? Yeah, might not go with his outfit.

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Sounds like a good idea- they're made for men too so I don't know why it'd seem feminine!


Put one on and don't think twice about it- if you're thinking, "I look stupid and girly." It'll show.


So show off your confidence and great fashion sense and keep warm.

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Yeah, I don't want to appear GAY. If I'm trying to attract women, then looking gay would probably not be the best strategy to use. lol


And it's not that I needed a scarf. I just thought it would look cool, so I was contemplating getting a nice one. A friend of mine was wearing one a few months ago (well, back in the cool spring weather) and it looked great on him. In all fairness, even one of the girls I liked back months ago was wearing one as well. It was one of the things I commented to her about that I liked. (A great opener, BTW. lol)


But I'm not that worried about looking gay. I sometimes will wear a... *gasp* pink shirt even. I happen to look GOOD in pink. I know some guys (friends of mine actually) who are actually scared to wear the colour pink! lol Can you imagine that? lol I'm comfortable enough with myself to wear that colour, so donning a scarf is not a problem for me. I was just wondering if it would be projecting some kind of imagine I don't want.


As for looking pretentious, that's okay. I may actually be a little (who knows? lol) But I've always had a style of my own and following what everyone else is doing never makes me happy. I like to do my own thing. That's where this whole idea arose from in the first place.

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