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Pregnancy question...Is this normal?


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I'm 24 or 25 weeks pregnant and have been feeling the baby move around constantly for the past 8-9 weeks or so.


But some of the movement is really quick, vibrating type movements. Is this normal?


What could he possibly be doing in there?


It's really freaking me out. My doctor said everything looked fine from the ultrasound, but what if it was seizures or something like that? I haven't ever heard of this before.


It feels really weird (kinda cool if everything is alright) and you can see my stomach vibrate...it's really powerful and lasts for only a couple seconds at a time, but it happens a whole lot.


Anyone know what this could be?

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I don't think there is anything to be concerned with but your doc or some of those who are or have been pregnant can be of better help.


When my friend was pregnant and she had a hamburger, her boy would kick, it was so hilarious.


So she would always eat hamburgers, so we could see his circus act, so cute!


Your baby is probably just having fun in there


Hugs, Rose

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It's the baby...


It's usually when he's really active and kicking and moving around...then there will be a few seconds here and there where he starts "vibrating." Then he'll continue to move around, vibrate, kick, etc.


You can actually see my stomach shake though because it's so strong.

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Like a tickle me elmo? eee heee I'm sorry honey I am sure everything is fine. Epilepsy is common among infants but I am sure that those feelings are normal. Check out this forum. Other mom's experienced similar feelings.


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YES!! It is EXACTLY like a tickle me elmo, it's crazy!!


Thanks for that link, it was extremely helpful.


Apparently it's pretty normal, but there were extreme cases where there were problems. But it looks like it's just because the neurological system hasn't finished developing yet...or he's stretching, or shimmying, or who knows. But I'm not worried anymore, so thanks!


I'll still double check with my OB though...

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Drink lllooooottts of water for the congestion. Admittedly, it'll be hell on your bladder, but it works.


I don't know the exact physical explanation for it, but I got congested a lot when I was pregnant too. Something about extra blood in the system making the sinuses swell. I don't know how drinking lots of water helped, but it did. Gee, I'm the queen of explanation, aren't I?


Also, my doctor gave me a list of stuff that I was allowed to take while I was pregnant. I'll look around and see if I can find it. I'm pretty sure I threw it away after I had my son, but I'll look anyway.


As far as the vibrating baby, that is SO weird. My son's chin still quivers quite a bit, something about his neurological development being delayed. I read it in a first year guidebook. He could just be shaking, kind of like we do when we're really cold.


Something I had to remember while I was pregnant was that as long as I wasn't cramping or bleeding, everything was probably okay. After losing my first pregnancy then having insane cramps for about 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant with my son, I worried about everything, and constantly had to stop myself from crying. I had kind of an abnormal delivery that I won't go into here so as not to concern you (unless you know my story already) so if I ever have another baby, I know I'll probably stay freaked out the entire time I'm pregnant.


What's that about pregnancy being a happy, relaxed time in a woman's life? What fool dreamed that up?

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No I haven't. I felt that all the time, but then once I wrote this post, it seemed to stop. So I'm just planning on bringing it up at my next appointment. If I start feeling it again I'll call and ask though.


Everything else feels fine and movement is normal again so I'm sure they'd just tell me it was nothing.

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I have another question but not sure if I want to start a new post, since I haven't even brought the topic up with my employer yet.


I still have to go to HR and work out my maternity leave situation. Don't really know what to expect there, but I know it will work out fine.


But I fully intend on breastfeeding AND returning to work after the birth of my baby. According to California law (where I live), my employer is required to provide me with a place to do this, other than the bathroom. As of now, they don't have anything like this. Only a bunch of cubicles, ONE male/female bathroom stall downstairs, and all other regular office stuff.


Has anyone had to deal with this? I have all the backup to take with me if necessary, but it seems like it's going to be such an inconvenience for them! We recently moved buildings and the last one we were in had a PERFECT place for it (room attached to the bathroom that you could lock, had a recliner, electrical outlet, rug, etc...) but nothing like it here.


I don't know why it makes me nervous, but I'm kinda afraid to be the first one in this building to speak up and make them change stuff around just because I'm going to be breastfeeding. Has anyone gone through this before? What did you do?

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What have other pregnant women at your office done? Are you sure you're the first?


You will also need to have a fridge to store it, and you might feel weird about sticking it in with everyone's lunches.


I understand why you are nervous. Men can get weird and embarrassed when confronted with this kind of thing. Are there any women you can talk to in HR or in positions of authority? If not, try to talk to a man who has young kids.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay so I still have to talk to the jobby job, but I went to my doc's today.


My super strong baby boy started dancing while the doctor was listening to the heartbeat. My stomach was shaking and everything. You could hear the heartbeat machine sorta make a "scratch" noise too. The doctor just laughed and said my baby was kicking at the machine and it's a reallllllllly good sign.


This kid is going to be super active like yours truly...


They also gave me a Rhogam shot since I'm RH negative. It was unpleasant at most...they give it to you in your tush...


Other than that, LOVED my doctor, he's great and answered all of my questions, didn't rush me or anything! And I get to work all the way up to my due date if I please, which I'll probably do.


Just wanted to update everyone. Now I'm going to go whine about my sore butt...



I just want to make a note about the whole congestion thing...

Drinking water does help, I read it "thins out the mucous" which is a lovely thought...

But I bought a humidifier, and it was the best $30.00 I've spent in a while...It's a Crane one, and they make them in fun animals to fit nurseries and stuff...I got the frog one...it's so cute. And they don't have filters that need to be replaced so they're super convenient too.

But anyways, I don't remember the last time I slept that well. It definently helps with congestion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally talked to HR and my company rocks. I get so much paid time off and "baby bonding time" so I'm excited.


They also pay SO much of my bill, it's ridiculous what I'm going to pay to have a baby. Practically nothing. I'm so happy today...


I asked about the fact that I want to breastfeed and will need a place to pump. She said she didn't know of a place in the building I worked in but would make sure she found me something by that time.


Stressing over nothing.

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How excellent. Things fall into place, don't they? I work for a company that is also required to provide a place for moms to pump out. They'll come up with something for you, don't worry about that!


I am looking forward to hearing about your little dancing baby. Maybe he'll be born on Valentine's Day!

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I get 16 weeks of pregnancy disability...they cover 50-75% of my usual wages.


But BONUS is they have this program in my state where I get "baby bonding time" and that's ANOTHER 16 weeks off, but I'm not sure if it's paid or not...I think it's partial as well, not quite clear...but I can take off EIGHT MONTHS of this coming year, mostly paid, and be FINE in my job. I'm SO excited. That is so much time to hang out with my kid.


I only have to pay $250.00 for my entire delivery. I can't believe it. I have been saving up money like crazy this entire time for it and I won't even need it. But I can get out of debt now. Things are going well...thanks to the job.


Funny thing is I was considering quitting right before I found out I was pregnant and I'm SO happy I didn't, this company rocks my socks off.

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Wow, that's truly unheard of. I mean, honestly, that kicks the humpty dump out of my bennies. You lucky duck! Couldn't have happened to a nicer person!


I'll say this - it seems like a cool-as-hell time for you to possibly embark on that career change path that you have been talking about. I mean if you have the baby in Feb, then you might essentially have an entire Fall semester to get some classes under your belt during the baby-bonding time. You can study at home and spend most of the time in the house with the child, other than the time you spend in class. JUST A THOUGHT or TWO!!!!

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As far as I know, my bennies cover six weeks, the first of which I have to take vacation (5 days) and the last five of which, I get 80% compensation. Then, the FMLA portion kicks in and I think if I qualify which I assume I will, I will get another six weeks at 60%.

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