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Everytime i cry

I am crying for you daddy

Your watching over me

Watching me make mistake after mistake

But you catch me befor i fall into pieces


Lost was what you were

Hope is what you didnt have

Murder is what you did to yourself


I cried but i never died

I hold on and had hope

But i know your never coming back

But aleast part of you is with me

Your blood running inside of me, your eyes, your nose


I just want to let you know daddy

That i dont hate you for what you did

I really do miss you though


You missed out on me growing into a woman

Missed out on my brother growing into a young man

Missed out on seeing my nephew grow up

You missed out on seeing the person i love


I remember that you would always make me happy

You didnt like to see me frown

Half the time you would act like a clown to make me happy

But when ever you were around me i was happy

I was lucky to have you as a father


We had our fights

We had our fun

We had our sad moments


But nothing hurt more than those words my mother said

"your father is gone, he passed away"

I didnt know at first the real reason how you died

A few weeks later my mother sat me down

And said "Your father didnt die how i said, he hanged himself, i am so sorry"

I just broke down into tears, i will for ever remember those moments


Sometimes I would blame myself

I would hate you

I would blame everyone else

But now i understand and it wasnt anyones fault


Monday is your birthday

It will be sad of course

But most of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY daddy

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Powerful. Keep to your thoughts, they will make you stronger. In the years to come, the poems you've written, you will look back on and be able to complete this chapter of feelings, and learn to deal with them... and not let them haunt you into your future.


I am by no means saying you will stop crying, but you will cry, and then think, and remember the patterns of your mind and the reality of the situation, come back down to earth and fight all the pain much easier.



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Powerful. Keep to your thoughts, they will make you stronger. In the years to come, the poems you've written, you will look back on and be able to complete this chapter of feelings, and learn to deal with them... and not let them haunt you into your future.




Yeah i know, for once in my life, i feel good about myself, and dont think about death anymore or harming myself anymore, i am really happy about myself

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