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Why can';t I loose weight???

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Judging by your picture you need not to lift weights, and just run. Run as fast as you can for a long period of time, drink alotta water, and take it easy on sugar.


I lost alotta fat, and now I am in great shape. I went from 39% to 11% body fat, and now I'm nearly 200lbs mostly muscle!


PM me if you need help

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Judging by your picture you need not to lift weights, and just run. Run as fast as you can for a long period of time, drink alotta water, and take it easy on sugar.


I lost alotta fat, and now I am in great shape. I went from 39% to 11% body fat, and now I'm nearly 200lbs mostly muscle!


PM me if you need help

what do you mean "judging by my picture"?? not being defensive...just paranoid! lol

andf I don't weight lift much, just light weights to tone, (even though you do burn calories while lifting weights) I do half an hour of cardio everytime I go.

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I had to lose all the way down from a pants size of 42" to 34" AND I STILL have some body fat.


So, here is the deal, the last little bit is the hardest to go. Lifting weights to tone is always good. We need lean muscle to burn fat. Also, ensure you eat enough protein with EVERY meal. It is what our body uses to create the hormone that helps burn fat.


...and along with everyone else, you look fine. Just keep at it. If I haven't quit and become disgusted with my plateau, then neither can you.

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Uhhh...you look beautiful in your pic, Yvette. Maybe you're just being a bit hard on yourself?


Anyhow, if you're not doing strength training now, you could do that. Not wimpo weights either - actual weight lifting. It will melt de fat right off and firm ya up.


Strong women stay young. grrr...go!

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thanx everyone. I don't wanna be skinny But I wanna loose excess fat, like on my thighs, butt, & stomach, like I said, I lost some weight before, so why did it just stop coming off???


You could have hit a plateau.


1. Try changing your exercise routine-- because after you do the SAME thing OVER and OVER . . . your body gets used to it, and it doesn't use up as much energy (calories) when performing those activities/exercises. You need to shock your body and do something new.


2. Also- are you in a food rut? Are you eating much of the same things? I'm not sure why, or how, but I've heard that changing the foods you eat can also help you lose weight (even if they are "good" foods).


3. Another thing: Your body won't lose fat unless it has enough muscle. I'd disagree with a previous poster about NOT lifting weights. If I were you, I'd do light weights, build some muscle, this way it'll be easier for you to burn fat.


4. Do you eat breakfast? Eating breakfast can be a big jolt to your metabolism.


5. How long have you been "trying" for? Sometimes it takes a while for weight loss to actually show, maybe about a month sometimes.


6. How many calories are you consuming? Maybe you're not eating ENOUGH. When you do not eat enough, your body goes into starvation mode. In other words, it's worried that it won't get enough calories/energy, so it HOLDS ON to all the energy stores (fat) it already has. Same concept as water retention: Our bodies hold water when it's not getting ENOUGH water intake-- so it holds onto all that it has because it's afraid that it won't get enough. But when you drink water (or in the food case, EAT), it knows that it's OK to release the water that it has (or in the food case, it knows that it's OK to release some of the energy/fat that it has).


Hope this helped.

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