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Did I blew it?


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She broke uo with me about more than a month ago and I initiated the NC, although only reponding to her texts and emails sometimes. We never talked about our relationship during those times. She then called me and set a date to see me, and she came.

We then drove to a place where we use to hang out before, and then after sometime, we both became serious, and tears came to my eyes. I couldn't hide it, and she asked me not to cry, otherwise she would do the same.

We did then talk about where our relationship was heading, and she still seemed determined with the break-up, saying that I should start looking for someone else.

But she asked me for a kiss, a parting kiss, which I refused. She said the feelings for me are hard to go, and I said the same, but I said I am not going to deliberately try and let go of the feelings, I want to take it naturally.


We then finished and she had to go back home, and in the car, I gave her a long kiss, to which she did not refuse. I asked her if she's stop contacting me, and she said she'd contact me on her own and would let me know of her being. We then said goodbye....


I am in NC again... but the pain now is like I have been to square one again....

Did I blow the chance??

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Blow the chance at what? at making her want to come back because you were doing N/C?


Its been said before about NC that it is over used....and it can be over used for the wrong reasons. NC is about you ragaining control of your feelings and emotions and letting yourself have time to heal and recoperate. By you still being in contact via text and email (regardless of how upbeat they were) you were staying in her life and visa versa.


SO.....N/C only works when you want to get someone out of your head because you can't go back - not to make someone panic about the fact you've not contact them, or scare them into coming back.


You've blown nothing. The only thing you have done is show her you still care (which isn't a bad thing)....but you do need to initiate NC all over again if that is what you want.


I think reading your post - she isn't coming back. And wasn't willing to discuss the prospect of doing so. She just wants to know you've not forgotten her or your relationship.


YOu need to decide....and you are the only one who knows....


GOod luck....



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No you did not blew it but you hurt yourself by letting her come so close to you. Don't let that happen again. Stay in NC ofcourse but also mean it: give up all the controll, give it out of hands and give it to the Universe. Have faith that you'll be allright. Have faith that you will get what belongs to you. It that is this girl, fine! If that's someone else, also fine. Keep that mentality going.


X Thunderforce

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