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strange fetish


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My bf has a strange fetish that makes me nervous.... Is this normal? Basically he gets turned on when I pee on the toilet. He likes to watch and sometimes he likes to touch me etc, before and during urinating. Ive never had this experience with a man before...I mean whatever turns him on. It doesnt do much for me, but I think it is kind of disturbing. Especially when he has a daughter who stays at his house a few days a week. It makes me wonder if he gets excited when she pees in the bathroom. His daughter mentioned something about peeing one time and it sent red flags off in my mind. Plus, they are cuddly when they watch a movie. I almost feel as if Im a third wheel when the two of them are together. She is entering her teen years. I mean do I have a right to feel weirded out or am I overreacting? I talked to him about it one time and he said he's not a sicko and that he would never do anything weird to his daughter, but why are my weird vibes going off? Would yours?



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The fetish is not that unusual.


His relationship with his daughter? The fact that they are "cuddly" means nothing of itself. Nor does the fact that he has this fetish. My guess is that the connection you are making is biased by your thoughts about his fetish but I am also loathe to just write off your "instincts".


I think it is unlikely but I guess you should never close your mind to the possibility if your feelings are that there may be something going on. Try and disregard his fetish though in that respect. One fetish does not mean he has others.

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Oh wow. Honestly, any fetish isn't "normal", but this fetish is definitley something I haven't heard of. I heard of people enjoying getting pee'd on, but never what you just mentioned. I am not sure if he does anything like this with his daughter, but that is definitley weird that she mentioned that. If this fetish makes you feel uncomfortable than I think you should address it to him and that way you two can work something out that will work out best for your sexual relationship.

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You find his fetish somewhat disturbing. Do you still allow him to indulge in it with you or have you told him No?


Instincts should never be ignored, but I would start with making my own feelings clear. If you are not compatible with this man and his fetish, and you are losing trust in him enough to question whether he is being inappropriate (even if only in his mind) with his daughter...I don't see why you would continue to be sexual with him. Are you sleeping with him while having these thoughts and being disturbed by his sexual preferences?


I would stop and take a break to work this through. If you still are concerned about him and his daughter - you can address it after you have addressed this fetis issue.



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Honestly, you are over-reacting to this. So what if he has a fetish? Every man has a fetish. Some have a boob fetish, others have a vagina fetish. Some have a foot fetish (me) and a few have a piss-on-toilet fetish. What's the big deal? And so what if his daughter cuddles with him? Parents and their kids always cuddle. There is nothing sexual about it. And why would you think his daughter peeing would have the same effect? It's his *daughter*, not some random girl. If a guy likes your boobs, it doesn't automatically mean he likes his daughter's boobs! Of course I don't know what it is his daughter said that set off red flags...but are you sure your suspicions are not creating red flags out of nothing?

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There is a huuuge leap from urine fetish to incest and pedophilia. Massive.


Why does it make you uncomfortable when they are cuddly watching movies? Is it that you are not cuddling with him or that it genuinely seems to go past a proper limit.


If that's the case, alert social services.


But if you are not comfortable with this fetish then you probably are not going to be comfortable in a relationship with him.

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Why does it make you uncomfortable when they are cuddly watching movies? Is it that you are not cuddling with him or that it genuinely seems to go past a proper limit.


If that's the case, alert social services.



If there's nothing going on (except for the OP's suspicions blown out of proportion), alerting social services could wreck the guy's life, not to mention his daughter's. I think we as a society have become a little too paranoid, reading too much into everything. There are many different ways to cuddle, some romantic and some just parental.

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If she thinks it's that bad, she will want to protect the child. If she thinks and realises it's her own paranoia then she won't.


Just because the man has a fetish of watching an adult female that he is in a sexual relationship with, urinate, does not make him a monster.


He might be, but that would be as well as, not because of..

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ok come on

a fetish is usually something odd

i have met MANY people who for some reason have a fetish with urine

peee on them, peee in thier mouth, watch you pee, touch your peee, eat you after you pee......you havent heard anything yet !

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