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What's your boyfriends flaw??


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Instead of yet another male-bashing thread how about we make this non-sexist and include girlfriends?

It has nothing to do with bashing!! sorry if you took it that way. I love guys and I love my boyfriend, I was just wondering what issues girls have chosen to accept when their really in love. But ok.....guys can answer to if they want. Once again I was NOT bashing guys! I Love guys

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Why so negative? No one's perfect. Have you really accepted it if you need to make a big deal about it in a post?

it's not negative it's actually POSITIVE!...it's just a simple question geeez.....why are you guys being SO defensive??? I just thought it would be intresting to see what love can conquer, and what flaws can be overlooked. and I know noones pefect, that's why I STATED that in my post.......

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I wouldn't say this was a flaw, but my boyfriend plays computer games too much. It just bothers me sometimes that he can spend that time talking with me rather than playing with warriors and swords and lighting bolts...and whatever else is involved... Sometimes I tease him about it, but I've come to accept it.


Now, it's only fair that I look at my flaws too. *Ahem* I'm whiney. I'm selfish. I always want want want. I like attention. I have no breasts. I have acne. I act like a baby sometimes to get my way.


Well the list can go on. I don't know how he deals with it, and some people may think why is he with me. I hate myself.



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my boyfriends issue is his anger. he gets very angry and gets into a lot of fights. he also gets in fights with his mom a lot thereforeeee he gets grounded which means i can only see him in school. he is a really great guy though, loving, caring, affectionate, protective(that can be good and bad), funny, not to serious and all that jazz.


everyone has there flaws and i know im not the "perfect girlfriend" but i try.

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Like everyone else, he has loads!


1) He doesn't look after himself properly

2) He takes things out on himself

3) He feels guilty far too easily

4) He's insecure

5) Sometimes his sense of humour wallks a dodgy line between Mildly Shocking and Controversial

6) He definitely has a lazy streak


Plenty going on there. But trawl through my backhistory of posts...I'm a hell demon!


We go together well.

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I wouldn't say this was a flaw, but my boyfriend plays computer games too much. It just bothers me sometimes that he can spend that time talking with me rather than playing with warriors and swords and lighting bolts...and whatever else is involved... Sometimes I tease him about it, but I've come to accept it.


Now, it's only fair that I look at my flaws too. *Ahem* I'm whiney. I'm selfish. I always want want want. I like attention. I have no breasts. I have acne. I act like a baby sometimes to get my way.


Well the list can go on. I don't know how he deals with it, and some people may think why is he with me. I hate myself.



sounds like my BF!! lol. he's sooo into anime, hercules, and RPG video games! lol

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Can I do this about my ex?


The classic video game addiction, oh yes. Interesting feeding habits (read: not a whole lot that he is willing to eat). Easily frustrated. Likes sleeping a little too much. Doesn't care about his grades as much as he ought to. Too selfless (I sometimes felt guilty because he made it all about me, not himself), and never asks for help. But he was still a wonderful caring person that made me feel like a princess.


And yes, only fair to list my own flaws. I'm the most impatient person on the planet. I'm terribly elitist. Kind of antisocial. Too much of a perfectionist. Pessimism just oozes from my pores. I can be a little too sarcastic and cynical...And then, of course, there's my anger issue, which usually manifests itself in a passive-aggressive manner.

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Can I do this about my ex?


The classic video game addiction, oh yes. Interesting feeding habits (read: not a whole lot that he is willing to eat). Easily frustrated. Likes sleeping a little too much. Doesn't care about his grades as much as he ought to. Too selfless (I sometimes felt guilty because he made it all about me, not himself), and never asks for help. But he was still a wonderful caring person that made me feel like a princess.


And yes, only fair to list my own flaws. I'm the most impatient person on the planet. I'm terribly elitist. Kind of antisocial. Too much of a perfectionist. Pessimism just oozes from my pores. I can be a little too sarcastic and cynical...And then, of course, there's my anger issue, which usually manifests itself in a passive-aggressive manner.


Thank you sharing both side of the story. it is nice to be able to see that someone here is not just pointing the finger andventing at one person and willing to take responsibility for their own faults.

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What i am pointing out is that as much as we men have flaws and women having the right to complain about it. (which i am greatful because i learn from these posts!) I feel that a thread like this is so bais in which it justifies the complaint of the BF and the innocents of the complainter.

Most people just complain about the SO but yet they haven't made any changes themselves.

I am just wondering that if a male put up a post like this what would the reaction be?

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More than one person in this thread has also listed their own flaws along with their boyfriend's.


Yes, i have seen that, i didnt intend to if i didn come accross that way. unfortunately i dont intend to leave people out. Shold have stated a new link.

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