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I feel like a lab rat


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Had my doctors visit on last wednesday.


Baby is doing good, Im 30 weeks along now! Getting closer everyday! Doc says the ultrasound shows she is 3 lbs 4 oz now, so big and so much more to grow!


So, he had told me to go take this 3 hour glucose tolerance test and I hadnt gone yet. I told him I dont want to go. He said I have to go that he is worried I have gestational diabetis.. He told me that I need treatment if I really had it. I dont think I have it. Not me! I hate things like that and asked if its really needed. Besides, Im scared of the whole idea.... So he insisted that I go and I went today.


I feel like a lab rat. Went to the hospital this morning and got there at like 7 am (still dark outside) where I registered. Then they took my blood and had me drink this glucola drink.


That stuff is so nasty and I was so sick from it, yuck... There has got to be a better way to do this! Anyway, they took blood. They took it again, and again , and again over the next four hours to see how my body dealt with the sugar rush I guess.


The worst was not being able to eat because knowing I couldnt eat, of course that made me even more hungry.


Then for the rest of today I have felt like crap. Just weak and pitiful. I took a nap and slept for close to four hours. I must have needed the rest.


Aside from feeling like a lab rat, and my arms looking like I been shooting up drugs Im just fine. I survived. Now hoping that the test results come back normal.

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Ahhh, southerngirl, I am so proud of you for making through that ordeal.


I know you are going through some tough times, and this doesn't help being a "lab rat",


But wow, you are doing great and will have your beautiful baby in the near future.


Congrats on a job well done.


Hugs, Rose

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Realize that all these tests are done to ensure that safety and wellness of your baby. Gestational diabetes can produce big babies and could potentialy complicate your labor. But know that this goes away after pregnancy but sometimes it turns to type 2 diabetes and that is why it is so important to keep this under control.


You also go through a lot of emotional swings during pregnanacy and just know that it is normal you could even go through a state of depression after birth but you doctors should inform you about it later on.


As for you eating problems, that is also expected. Your stomach is squeezed because of your baby. My suggestion would be to eat small amounts of food but eat as often as possible.


Hope this helps

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bla bla, making sure the baby's okay... bla bla, ensuring the health of you and your baby... bla bla...


That test SUCKS, plain and simple. Drinking what tastes like coke without the carbonated water with a shot of pure maple syrup laced with raw sugar... not fun. It made me gag so hard, and I had to drink the whole doggone bottle. I couldn't even drink some water afterwards to get the taste out of my mouth and calm the gagging. I was barely allowed to rinse my mouth out. I had my laptop with me so I could watch a few movies while I was waiting, but even Mel Gibson and a few rounds of Microsoft pinball could take my mind off of how starving I was. I must have been shaking for like an hour after drinking that crap from the sugar rush, and then for like half an hour before I could leave because I was so darn hungry. When I was released, I hit their water cooler hard. They had those tiny little paper cups and I must have filled one of those stupid things 8 or 9 times.


Of course, the closest food was hospital food. I walked into the cafeteria, 7 months pregnant, laptop on one arm, purse on the other, look of starvation in my eye, saw the food, walked right back out. I can't remember where I went, but I inhaled that food and went home to take a nap right afterwards.


My results were normal, as I'm sure yours will be, and I was exceedingly happy about that. People think that we moms endure every hardship and we're just happy about it because it's best for our babies, so we're not supposed to complain. Screw that, I say. Some of the things we go through are crap and we have every single right to complain. People look at you all googly eyed and say "Well, isn't he worth it?" Well, of course he is, but for goodness' sakes, doesn't mean I have to like everything I went through to get him. Because I didn't. And you don't have to either.


Ooh, my head's spinning a little from ranting. Hey, some people understand what we go through, some don't. I, at least, can commiserate with the 3-hour (feels like 30-hour) tolerance test.




Edit: Also, why do they have to take a giant vial of blood during that test? Why can't they just poke our fingers? My arms hurt so bad that day...

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Okay okay okay. This post seriously concerns me. Nothing about what YOU wrote, but I have that test coming up in a couple weeks.


I feel my doctor basically kicked me out of her office last time and I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing. She gave me the paperwork for the test, but told me to go in the day before my next appointment (in 3 weeks) and have this test done and some blood drawn. I had NO IDEA it was so comlicated or would take so long. I'm glad you posted this so I didn't go in right before they close, expecting to have this test.


When do you suggest I go in? It's a walk-in lab sort of thing, but I honestly have no instructions. How long am I supposed to go without eating beforehand? How long does it take? Please give me a play-by-play so I have some idea what to expect...

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I remember this test when I was pregnant with my son. It wasn't too bad for me. I had the drink and had to wait about an hour then go back and get my blood taken then it was over. I am sorry you had such a horrible orderal southern girl, but I don't think that it is always the way you describe. It was likely because think you may have gestational diabetes.

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Are you sure yours is the 3-hour test? Usually doctors don't do the 3-hour test unless there's a reason to, like your 1-hour glucose tolerance test is abnormal. Have you had the 1-hour test yet? How far along are you?


What the heck is with your doctor??? ](*,)

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My doctor was really good at first, but the last time I went in there, I was so upset!


I was getting sick and I told her and I asked her what I could take for it and she said "we gave you a sheet earlier that said all of that..." and then she told me I was gaining too much weight (which I know I'm not...I was only there once before so really she doesn't know how much I've gained altogether, but I'm paranoid to eat anything now, but whatever) and she kept saying how she wanted to get out of there. My appointment was one of the last ones of the day, but come on. She was in the room with me for a total of FIVE minutes, and then when she said "do you have any questions?" she was basically backing out of the room before I had a chance to say anything.


I scheduled my next appointment with a different doctor, hopefully it's better. I haven't had the best of experiences with them so far.


I really have no idea about the glucose test. So if it's a one hour test, is there anything I have to do to prepare? I'm clueless.


I'm 25 weeks now and I'll be 28 when the test is done.

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You've REALLY got to call your doctor about this - the new one, not Dr. IDon'tCareAboutYou. You need to find out what kind of test you're getting, how much of the gag juice you have to drink, if you can or can't eat beforehand, what time you should go in - and this honestly does vary by doctor, oddly enough... I can't believe your doctor didn't even give you any kind of information sheet about this. That's so irresponsible of her.


Do you keep a piece of paper with all of the questions you have so you can ask your doctor? That way, when she asks if you have any questions, you can say "Why yes I do, have a seat." I had a pregnancy journal, which had several pages worth of appointment notes that I could take. I'd always write down any questions I had during the month that didn't need to be asked right away and then whip out my journal either while my doctor was poking around, or at the end of the physical exam.


I wish you were in Mississippi (are you?). My doctor is so incredible that if I had the money I'd fly you and every other pregnant woman I know in to see her. It's generally a long wait to see her, but she is so worth it.

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Aw I really wish I had a good one. I'm in California unfortunately.


I did have questions, like what to take when I was sick, about flu shots, etc., but she didn't even make eye contact and just kept inching towards the door. Next time I'll go in more prepared. The first time I saw her I thought she was great, but not anymore.


I will call when it gets closer to ask more about the tests. Oh thats another one...I kept saying, "Okay so I go in just the day before and show them this piece of paper, and that's it?" and she'd give me a frustrated "yes." AH oh well enough ranting. Next time I have a different doctor so she can kiss my behind.


That's a good idea about the journal...I have a baby notebook but I didn't know what to put in it, I'll do that instead! Thanks!

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BTR --- Wow that doc doesnt seem very good at all!


yeah, the first test they normally give is a one hour test. You drink somany oz of the nasty juice and then they take blood, not that much.... Test it and if all in the clear thats that.


The test I was referring to is for people like me that failed the first one, you drink MORE of the juice and they take MORE blood than the first time, and it lasts for hours and hours.


I should find out today though if I passed or not. I figure they havent called me Im hoping thats a good thing? I plan to call the doctor though in about 30 minutes or so to ask since they havent called me.

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Let us know how your test results come up southerngirl! Hopefully you won't have to go through that again! It makes me afraid for that test too. So does all of this stuff going on with Iansmommy! I am already terrified of labor eeesh! Its scary... we are all so concerned...

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I know!!! Pregnancy is scary.


Good luck with the test results, Southerngirl.


Usually when everything is A-OK the doctors don't call. So maybe it is a good thing.


I'm not near Torrance unfortunately. I'm actually hoping to relocate more towards Huntington Beach sometime in the future. I'm a couple hours north of that though.

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Yeah I called at 430 pm to only get the answering service. Aparently they 'close' at 430 and cant be bothered with the telephone. ....


So I will try again tomarrow. Yeah, Im hoping its good news because I took this test on Saturday and have heard nothing yet. I would think that by now they would have got an answer from the lab about it.

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Have you heard anything yet?


I read this article and thought about you. It's a little long though.


When you’re pregnant, you’re getting ready to change all the “labels” in your life. You go from “wife” to “mother.” “Childless” to “Mom.” There’s another label they may forget to tell you about: Human pincushion.


I have never been poked with a needle as many times as I have while I was pregnant. It seemed that every time I turned around, someone was telling me they needed this or that tested and, of course, it always needed to be a blood test.


The most annoying test, to me, was the gestational diabetes test. Not only would you find out if you would have to stop consuming that gallon of ice cream every night, but you’d actually have to drink a sugary syrup before having your blood drawn.


The doctors always scared me with this test. They’d hand me a glass bottle with a bunch of directions typed on it and say “See you next month. Make sure to follow the directions.”


Too bad the directions were written by someone who had never met a pregnant woman that worried too much.


“Do not eat for X hours before test. Do not look North while drinking the orange soda. Do not hold your breath for longer than six seconds and please do not think about peeing in the next five hours.”


After you drink the orange soda, you have to make sure to get to the doctor’s office in a certain amount of time for them to do the blood work. From the minute the bottle touched my lips to my entering the doctor’s office, I would keep worrying that I wouldn’t get there in time and I had drunk the drink for nothing.


“I’m here for the glucose test!” I’d scream as I ran in. “I drank the drink exactly one hour and 55 minutes ago and I need someone to draw my blood now or I JUST MIGHT DIE.”


I never did die, nor did I ever miss the time frame given for me to have my blood drawn. I did, however, annoy plenty of nurses due to repeating “Oh no. I think I’m going to faint. I hate this. I’m going to faint. I have bad veins. HURRY THE HECK UP ALREADY.”

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Went to the doctor today.


Funny, In almost 2 months, I havent gained any weight! (I already feel fat) The baby is gaining weight, he did another ultrasound today and said that everything looks great & not to worry about weight gain because well, Im a little over my 'normal' weight from recently having another baby.


He will be 2 in a January. So the 'test' THE TEST WHERE THEY ABUSED ME! & etc etc etc..


I passed.


I knew I would.


Dang... Felt like a lab rat for NOTHING....

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Not long at all Im due for my planned CSection on Dec 20th, and im going to be 32 weeks on Friday.. WOW.... time flies! Right now she is kicking me hard and it hurts =-) I cant wait to hold her outside instead of inside me!


If you think about it, she can't scream bloody infantacide when she's inside you. Count your blessings lol.

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