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I'm super attracted to him...but is he RACIST?!


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I met this guy about a month ago, he transferred into one of my classes and sat down next to me. And voila, a friendship was planted. I'm super attracted to him, and I love his personality and how smart he is. We've been hanging out a lot just as friends, for the past 2-3 weeks, and it hasn't really gotten past that, but I want to move past friendship....soon, I know he's interested in me, and I'm very interested in him, I just gotta push it.


So, we're starting to get close, and I met some of his friends today...one of his best guy friends is pretty racist. I'm half Filipino and half German, and just right in front of me, he was talking smack about Filipino people and completely insulting me. Okay, so it's fine to make jokes, if you know it's not going to offend the person, but he was FULL ON, insulting me, and I was offended, he was purposely trying to offend me, I could tell by the eye contact he was makign with me, but the guy I'm interested in....didn't do anything...he laughed right along with him....


I haven't seen this side of him! He's soooo nice, but when he's put in front of his friends it's like he disregards me and my feelings.


I'm completely unattracted to anyone who does that...and after how he acted today, I don't WANT to be interested in him, yet I still am...but I don't want to be interested in someone racist...I guess...I don't know what to do...so that's where you guys come in...?

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Can't say if he is racist or not based on that. He may have just been responding to peer pressure in which case he is a weak character.


You should definitely talk to him about it. Tell him how insulted you were and ask him why he felt it was OK to laugh.

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This isn't even a matter of him being racist or not...While it may be true that he was just going with the flow, do you want a guy who plays along like that? If he acts nice when you're alone but like a jerk when he's with his friends...that makes him a jerk.


Yes, you can try talking to him...but be prepared for him not taking your words seriously, or pretending to agree for now and then doing it again.


If you want to get over him, remember this episode...remember it well...and every time you think of him, think of how insensitive he was and how he ignored your feelings.

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