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Human Emotions


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Depends how you percieve emotion.


I believe there are two primary sets of emotions:


Positive and Negative.


Positive emotions would include compassion, love, empathy


Negative emotions would include spite, hatred and selfishness


So human emotions are not the problem.


Faliure to control ones emotions is the problem.

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You forgot a few like; no hate, no greed, no war, no murder, no crime, no poverty, no torture, no starving, etc...


And you don't need emotions to create or appreciate most of the items you wrote.


Most of you are more concerned with your own happiness and pleasure than you are with the suffering of billions of people.



Why do we feel the need to be with other people???

All the pseudo "emotions" that people refer to as Love is simply the genetrically programmed drive to reproduce.

We create these mating rituals and call it love, when it's actually not much different than what animals do to attract mating partners.


Maybe life wouldn't be as much "fun", which seems to be the main concern of most of you, but at least our civilization would be more productive and billions of people wouldn't have to suffer and would have a chance at a life that most of us in this forum take for granted.

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What's the point of the journey if it can't be fun? If we can't fill ourselves up with the things we create, why create and produce? Just living isn't enough. We have consciousness and that cannot take away our awareness of ourselves.


Most people ARE aware. No one knows what to say or where to say it... when it comes to true matters of the soul and heart. But emotions exist and nothing can take that away. They are born anew with every soul born.

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