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Human Emotions


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Human emotions is a disease infesting the human race.

Human emotions are the root of all evil.

Every war in human history was caused by human emotions.

Almost every murder was caused by human emotions.

Most crimes are committed because of human emotions.

Most of the suffering, misery, poverty in the world is because of human emotions.

Alot of people are sick because of other peoples greed & hate, aka human emotions.

Hate & greed are the most evolved human emotions.

Love is more of a mental imprinting than an actual emotion.

Billions of people have suffered and died because of human emotions.

Human emotions will cause the suffering and death of Trillions of people in the next few millennia.


Evolution will eventually get rid of our primitive emotions, but that will take hundreds of thousands if not millions of years.


A vaccine to suppress or eliminate emotions would be the best solution.

It would prevent most of the murders, crimes, suffering, misery, torment, etc..


As you read this there are billions of people all over the world suffering, because of human emotions.


Personally i've seen too many people suffer, emotions are useless and we'd be much better off without them.

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Welcome to eNotalone.


I support most of your claims because it has been proven time and again that most decisions made by humans are dictated by our emotions.


I don't believe emotions are useless though - every human wants to love and to be loved. Love contains many emotions.

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Emotions have both good and bad sides.


I would prefer dealing with someone who had emotions, rather than an unfeeling automaton. Animals make other animals suffer and die all the time, without emotions. What makes that better than what we do?

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We've made animals suffer a billion times more than animals have made humans suffer.

And you don't see animals of the same species kill each other for material possesions.


I've heard the phrase "love at first sight" a thousand times, but I never heard the phrase "hate at first sight".

Love is more like a new born goose imprinting on the first thing it sees.

Love isn't an emotion, it's an absense of negative emotions.

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Love isn't an emotion, it's an absense of negative emotions.


Actually, if you look at my signature, I think that is even short-sighted. Real love is doing what's best for someone else, even when you don't like them at that moment. Animals are not capable of that.

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Such negative views. Yes emotions handled the wrong way can make people do horrible things, but they can do good things. The world wouldn't neccesarily be a better place without them. You cannot simplify the horrible things humans have done by simply blaming it on emotions. Are you then to do judge nature for allowing us to evolve this far? Nature might correct this "flaw" as you call it, but what if it doesn't? Emotions are also motivation and allow us to get things done. They aren't "evil" or "good". Those are simply ideas and can be easily be altered.

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Without bad... by what yard stick would we measure good.


Without hate... by what yard stick would we measure love.


The duality of light and dark... good and bad... love and hate...

is a beautiful thing. Its a wonderful balance. And balance can be

found in nature as well.


I have good days... and I have bad days... and I love my life.

Without all the pain and suffering I've had to endure thus far...

I wouldn't be the strong person I am today. I wouldn't be who I am.

And without the good stuff... I wouldn't have a yard stick to meausre it by.

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It's not human emotions that cause the problem. It's human emotions so REPRESSED- everyday life disables one from expressing themselves rightfully... but an evolved society would surely find a way to create a better life fulfilling this.


Anyways, human emotions flip like a coin. Antidepressants killed mine and I realized that life is very bland without them. It's very strange- almost like youre a cold robot. That's how I feel... but the more those pills are out of my system, the more emotions are coming back again. I feel strange about each day- like it's out to get me! I have to kill my paranoia by separating myself from others and my situations- I separate my need of them to be perfect, I mean.


Harmony is a beautiful and swift thing which saves you when you call on it... but you have to look outside of your identity to be aware of who you are before you really receive it. Sometimes it takes years to have that perspective. That's the only cool thing about being immune to emotion- you're not as blind... but then once you understand all your mistakes, you find you are too tired and don't care enough to fix anything. So your mind becomes tormented instead of your heart. That conscious voice never fades... even when you think your heart has.

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Why do you need to measure it???


Is it worth having emotions when only 10~20% of people are happy and the rest only have fleeting moments of happiness or none at all.

Wouldn't it be better for none of us to have emotions and most people not to suffer.


If we didn't have emotions, there would be much less suffering, and I wouldn't have started this thread.

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And it's your emotions that led to this post...hmm, so maybe they arn't a good thing after all. They make people rather extreme, don't they?


Emotions are what makes the world. Don't forget the GOOD that human emotions lead to.


thereforeeee..yes..they sure are a pain, those emotions!


Emotions are signs of who we are. But only signs.... as signs are only illusions. When you stop relying on your mind, your heart should tell you.


But it is those who build a wall from emotion that take from others the most. They stop caring.


I've realized that as I've gotten older, I don't feel and sense as much as I did when I was little. It is true that most don't know how to be intimate after childhood because your relationship with people change. They no longer think everything you do is special.


That's something we need to bring back.

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Why do you need to measure it???


Is it worth having emotions when only 10~20% of people are happy and the rest only have fleeting moments of happiness or none at all.

Wouldn't it be better for none of us to have emotions and most people not to suffer.


Happiness comes with confidence. Confidence comes with the tiny moments of growth of giving and of taking the chances. All of my suffering in life has been worth it. I may be 16 but Ive been through more terror than most people have and more surreal scary things than most could gain control of. I've learned this: We feel pain when we are without love... and thereforeeee can get greater insights into how love should be through this... if you choose to. If you choose to be a changer... for in every pain there is something born. What is born is ALL your choice. You just have to be aware of making your choices to control them.


I felt like I was haunted all of my life. The year my faith expanded in God.. in that GOOD force behind things.. the more the visions, scary dreams, shadows passing in mirrors and things have gone away. My suffering was worth it because I stopped having all the smaller fears when I escaped the biggest ones through faith.


>wew- I'm shaking right now thinking of some of that!Though I wouldn't wish it on anyone else, I'm glad of all I experienced now that I'm older. Think about it- the "lies" of life bring out the "truth" of us. That's what the illusion is all for!! We have to choose what level of truth to be. I speak from my soul and that's how I know it is "bigger than my body"- hehe like the song by John Mayor!

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Well, ultimately there IS no *self*. Stripped away, all we are is experience, memory..and emotions.


In my humble opinion, anyway.


And it's terrifying.


I disagree. Sometimes, I would stare at a photo of myself for a long time and be like, "is this really me? am I really this girl?" It was moments that I separated from myself and had to convince myself down again. But I realized I wasn't JUST my human self. I realized I was a shattered reflection of "God"... and one with the connection to that inside. It comes out most in creativity. It comes out most when I try to guide others- give to my younger cousins things that I think would help them. It comes out when I smile despite my unhappiness.. it comes out when I call it to.


This life isn't real and I think we spend our whole lives slowly figuring this out. It's a big long test that most souls created avoid, because it's scary and unsafe, but it evolves your soul... and pushes you to make yourself BE yourself or something close to it and.. to trust in SOMETHING when all else is torn away


We have consciousness. How we use it and control it and what we create with it is a choice.

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Well, ultimately there IS no *self*. Stripped away, all we are is experience, memory..and emotions.



Until we channel it healthily into our existence... it feels like nothing but weight. It takes a lifetime almost to properly know how to do this. Or sometimes a moment- the moment that you give up all fear is the moment you become alive. I think "God" (if he exists) is waiting for us to go to that type of faith. Then we would be a spiritually active culture- able to do anything, really. We become more when we make more...of ourselves.

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The movie link removed deals with this subject. Have you seen it, dstone?


Christian Bale isn't too hard on the emotions...


Anyway... you take the good and balance it against the bad. If evolution will eliminate emotion, I'm glad we live in an age where I can love. Happiness is not a bad thing, even if it means that unhappiness exists in the world.

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hey blueangel,


I respect any well thought-out opinion, but my own inner convictions are such that we are no fixed self or whatever. In a way, this is comforting...we don't thereforeeee lose anything when we die, there WAS nothing to lose, and there is no US to lose anything anyway.


It comes down to religious beliefs, differences in, I guess.

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hey blueangel,


I respect any well thought-out opinion, but my own inner convictions are such that we are no fixed self or whatever. In a way, this is comforting...we don't thereforeeee lose anything when we die, there WAS nothing to lose, and there is no US to lose anything anyway.


It comes down to religious beliefs, differences in, I guess.


Our "self" is what we make it. thereforeeee it is an illusion. I agree with that also- I just dont agree with that our self can only stay one thing (like memory filled and emotional) and nothing more. Now do you know what I mean? We can create happiness if we want. This life is short and all fades away, but our experience here is something that by the end, we have created.


In summary, I believe that we can create because we have been created. By what or whom or how, I do not know. But that's what I believe. (and my beliefs are open to change at any time!)

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Emotions make us human, without them it we would be a dull society. I dont even think there is any emotion we kind do without, for one emotion triggers another and its an endless chain reaction. Emotions are hard wired into our brain, removing it would not be evolution it would be a brand new entity. Think of Yin and Yang there is a little bad in all good and a little good in all bad.

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The label human when applied to us is an oxymoron, as a species we have the most inhumane history.

Yeah, living in an emotionless dull world would be hell.

Would you prefer a world where everyday greed causes the deaths of 30,000 to 50,000 children under the age of 5, because they don't have enough to eat or drink, or don't have medicine that you can easily buy in 1000 stores in your city.


Our civilization has evolved not because of emotions but because of logic.

It's logical to want to work together to create a better world for everyone.

Hatred & greed has hindered our civilization from evolving.

Thousands of years of greed, hatred, war, suffering, death...such a waste.


I saw the movie Equilibrium, that society was controlled by dictators who did NOT use the emotion inhibiting drug on themselves.


Even with my pessimistic views, I still have faith in the future our species.

I look up at the stars at night, and I know we are destined to go out there and be a part of something bigger.

I just think that emotions will hinder that destiny and emotions will cause the suffering and deaths of countless trillions of people before we can truly call ouselves Humans.

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Even with my pessimistic views, I still have faith in the future our species.

I look up at the stars at night, and I know we are destined to go out there and be a part of something bigger.



All there is is now.

Without love or hope, the process would be too tormenting to be worthwhile. It doesn't matter where we end up if we can't feel the positive side of our emotions. Anyways, as Lifehouse singer sings, "Pain is part of learning who you are."

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