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does she like me or not


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Well actually i don't like talking about my personal privacy so much. but this time i have to...

the first time that i saw that girl i loved her so much, but what my problem is that she was looking at me most of the time when she sees me but i didn't give her my attention at first because i was busy at many things . when i go to eat at the cafeteria and while i am talking to my friends i see her looking at me from a far distance. sometimes we talk together but that was heppening rarely. when i am talking to her i feel that there is something special between me and her. i don't know if she has that feeling or not. i asked her to go out with me after a deep thinking and at that day she was busy so i asked her to go out with me the next day, she agreed going out with me and she was smiling and she told me that she is going to call me back and i gave her my extension. the next day i was waiting for her phone call but she didn't call me back. in that day, i didn't sleep at all thinking about why she did that to me. then i saw her the day after that and she didn't even talked to me or look at me. and until now i still think about her so much every day, even when i am doing anything. i don't know what to do. i thought about going to ask her why she did that to me , but i am afraid of her answer, maybe she doesn't like me. so what do you think. does she like me or not"?

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1 rule broken: a woman that likes you never breaks a date(unless hospitalized) or says they will call but never does.

2 rule broken: don't wait around for them, keep you life going, stay and act busy, trust me this is less heartache.

tip: do you play poker? keep you poker face. show interest but not intention. keep them on their toes. keep them guessing

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I had the same kinda thing. I don't think it's that she doesn't like you though. In my situation there is this girl who like you, I have liked since I met her a year ago. We'd talk in the hall and after classes and sit by each other at noon and stuff. But then one day she invited me to her house to hang out. That was on like a thursday night (we had friday off of school). So I went there watched a movie and had a good time. And then on monday we didn't sit by each other at noon, and when we passed each other in the hall she just kept looking strait and didnt really even seem to notice me. But then that night I chatted with her on msn and we talked just like we normally would have. This all happened about a month ago and I asked about it on a different site. The answers I got was that some girls want to make sure you'll come after them and stuff just to make sure you are serious about the relationship. It's hard to tell though cuz girls are sooo hard to understand its crazy. But yeah I think you still got a good chance with her just talk to her about it... the worst thing that can happen is she will say she doesn't like you, but she'll sugar coat it and say stuff like "lets just be friends" or "I don't want a relationship at this point in my life"

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