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Update on Iansmommy

Ians Mommy

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Congratulations, Dani! Do what you need to do to get steady on your feet. I'm glad sis is looking out for both of you!!! Sometimes these little mystery bugs affect us without ever identifying themselves. Sounds like the hospital wasn't able to produce any positive cultures. Stay well!!!



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Hey guys! I'm doing A LOT better now. My legs are still weak if I am standing for more than a few minutes but I can walk around more. I had another checkup with the doctor today and they still can't seem to figure out what was wrong with me. The tear I had is fully healed and has no sign of infection at all.


Ian had his first doctor's appointment and he's doing great! He's 10 lbs exactly now. I can't believe in 6 days, he'll be a month old. I'm still upset that I missed the first week of his life but we're making up for that time now.


I know this is going to sound really weird but whatever. The entire time I was pregnant, if he was kicking hard when I was trying to sleep or rest, I'd put headphones over my belly and play the song "Dreamer" by Ozzy Osbourne. Now if we can't get him to sleep, all we have to do is put that song on and by the end of it, he's asleep. I don't know why it works but it does.


He's still waking up at night but each night he sleeps for longer and longer before waking up. I really think that within another week or two, he'll be sleeping through the night which is kind of shocking considering he's only 3 weeks old.


hmm Cory.. I called him last week and he came over on Friday to see the baby. Ian didn't have a problem with it at all and he was actually glad to meet Cory for the first time. They got along pretty good and Ian actually thanked him for giving him a beautiful son. Cory held him for awhile and said goodbye. I'm not sure but it looked like he had tears in his eyes and he told me and Ian that the two of us had a beautiful son. When he left, he asked me to keep in touch with him and keep him updated on how we are. It felt weird being around him again after all of this but I'm glad that everyone is at peace with this whole situation. We still haven't decided on what we're going to tell baby Ian when he gets older or when we should tell him. We still have plenty of time though to decide.


Again, I'm over my sister's house and it's getting late so I'm going to head back home and go to bed. Ian already took the baby home about an hour ago to put him to bed. I seriously couldn't have asked for a better husband and father than him.


We have pictures of Ian that were taken in the last 2 weeks but I have no idea how to get them onto the computer here. The cable cord to the digital camera we have isn't compatible with my sister's computer so as soon as we can figure out a way, I'll post pictures on here for everyone to see.



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Glad your doing alot better.


Ian had his first doctor's appointment and he's doing great! He's 10 lbs exactly now. I can't believe in 6 days, he'll be a month old


WOW a month in 6 days thats gone pretty fast, must of been alot faster for you since you will be having the time of your life with lill Ian.


He's still waking up at night but each night he sleeps for longer and longer before waking up. I really think that within another week or two, he'll be sleeping through the night which is kind of shocking considering he's only 3 weeks old.


That will be great, good for him and that means you and Ian will have time to be by yourselves.


hmm Cory.. I called him last week and he came over on Friday to see the baby. Ian didn't have a problem with it at all and he was actually glad to meet Cory for the first time. They got along pretty good and Ian actually thanked him for giving him a beautiful son. Cory held him for awhile and said goodbye. I'm not sure but it looked like he had tears in his eyes and he told me and Ian that the two of us had a beautiful son. When he left, he asked me to keep in touch with him and keep him updated on how we are. It felt weird being around him again after all of this but I'm glad that everyone is at peace with this whole situation. We still haven't decided on what we're going to tell baby Ian when he gets older or when we should tell him. We still have plenty of time though to decide.



Poor guy, he knows that lill Ian will be better off with you and Ian than himself, that would be really hard for him to see his kid have another dad. Why dont you have Cory as an uncle for Lill Ian, then when hes older them tell him the truth.


We have pictures of Ian that were taken in the last 2 weeks but I have no idea how to get them onto the computer here. The cable cord to the digital camera we have isn't compatible with my sister's computer so as soon as we can figure out a way, I'll post pictures on here for everyone to see.


Okay awesome i cant wait to see them, ill be looking forward to em




Enjoy it because the time will go fast, its already been just about a month


Anyway, take care,




Hugs to you

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Hey guys! I'm doing A LOT better now. My legs are still weak if I am standing for more than a few minutes but I can walk around more. I had another checkup with the doctor today and they still can't seem to figure out what was wrong with me. The tear I had is fully healed and has no sign of infection at all.
I am glad, everyone on here was very worried for you hon! Wow, scary that they still dont know what caused it, at least you are getting better now!


Ian had his first doctor's appointment and he's doing great! He's 10 lbs exactly now. I can't believe in 6 days, he'll be a month old. I'm still upset that I missed the first week of his life but we're making up for that time now.
Wow a month already! Time flies doesnt it? Sure is a big boy you have there, Im glad to see he is doing great! My two sons were 7 lbs 2 oz, and 7 lbs 15.6 oz. So to compare, your son is much bigger! I still dont know how big this one will be, although shes a girl, 37 days to go for me and counting down!


I know this is going to sound really weird but whatever. The entire time I was pregnant, if he was kicking hard when I was trying to sleep or rest, I'd put headphones over my belly and play the song "Dreamer" by Ozzy Osbourne. Now if we can't get him to sleep, all we have to do is put that song on and by the end of it, he's asleep. I don't know why it works but it does.


He's still waking up at night but each night he sleeps for longer and longer before waking up. I really think that within another week or two, he'll be sleeping through the night which is kind of shocking considering he's only 3 weeks old.

Thats not weird at all! I would sit here at the computer late at night on those long nights when I couldnt get to sleep during the last part of my pregnancy with my toddler, and listen to Evanescence, Allison Krause, and a few other artists. Even now, with him almost 2 all I have to do is sing something he heard before, and he instantly calms down.


Singing to the baby inside, or playing music really effects them! Pretty cool I think!


hmm Cory.. I called him last week and he came over on Friday to see the baby. Ian didn't have a problem with it at all and he was actually glad to meet Cory for the first time. They got along pretty good and Ian actually thanked him for giving him a beautiful son. Cory held him for awhile and said goodbye. I'm not sure but it looked like he had tears in his eyes and he told me and Ian that the two of us had a beautiful son. When he left, he asked me to keep in touch with him and keep him updated on how we are.
Oh wow, that must have been hard on him, he sounds so mature about the whole thing. Thats good that Ian and you let him come to visit. You should keep him updated, even if he isnt the 'legal' father he is the creater of this child. You were such good friends with him, and unless he were to do something that would make you feel he shouldnt be around you should keep him updated! He was so nice to allow Ian to adopt him, and I wish you all the best in all of this.


t felt weird being around him again after all of this but I'm glad that everyone is at peace with this whole situation. We still haven't decided on what we're going to tell baby Ian when he gets older or when we should tell him. We still have plenty of time though to decide.
Tough one. While on one hand you want him to know that Ian is his daddy, and thats okay.... I feel kids should know the truth. When he is old enough the truth is what he should be told. Just tell him like it is. His father and you were friends (all the more reason for him to use condoms when he is older) and along came baby Ian. But, you and his dad (Ian) loved eachother so his biological father allowed Ian to adopt him, and that everyone loves him very very much. You see, he will know who his dad is. That is whoever loves him, raises him, cares for him, is a father. But, at the same time just for geneology reasons, he should know his paternal blood line. Its all about knowing from where he came. I think one day, he will thank you for giving him the right to know. You'll know when he is ready to know. You'll know how to tell him. One day, he will thank you for the truth.


Again, I'm over my sister's house and it's getting late so I'm going to head back home and go to bed. Ian already took the baby home about an hour ago to put him to bed. I seriously couldn't have asked for a better husband and father than him.


We have pictures of Ian that were taken in the last 2 weeks but I have no idea how to get them onto the computer here. The cable cord to the digital camera we have isn't compatible with my sister's computer so as soon as we can figure out a way, I'll post pictures on here for everyone to see.



Being a mom is wonderful!!!! Im glad you stopped by and updated us, keep us posted!! Well, if you cant put them onto the computer, what you can do is go to anywhere that deals with digital prints, walmart, or cvs pharmacy, if you have one of those nearby they can do it. Well, have them transfer your pictures onto a disc. From there, you can print @ that time or a later date, have them for storage AND you can put them onto the pc.


We have been just putting all our digital images onto the pc and I think its taking up way too much space. Now, I need to get discs and put the pictures onto them, and off the pc. So in reflection, Id probally have been better off to have them on disc in the first place! haha.

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I'm actually kind of worried, Ian slept from 10 o'clock last night straight through until 6 o'clock this morning. He's not even a month old and he slept the entire night. I really don't think thats normal. I'm kind of glad he did though because Ian got a full night of sleep last night. Even though I am pretty much better, he still insists on getting up at night to feed him and put him back to sleep. It's really amazing how great of a dad he is *sighs* I love them both so much.


As for me, I'm feeling great. I can stay up for almost two hours now without getting weak. I got on the scale yesterday and I'm 107 lbs which I don't know how I've lost that much because I've been laying down or sitting constantly and eat a lot still. Plus, I realized yesterday when I was getting a shower that my tummy is pretty much back to how it was before I got pregnant. I have two stretch marks and they're pretty much invisible unless you really look and then they're only a faint white line.


I still can't believe how amazing it feels to be a mom.

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Well, if you cant put them onto the computer, what you can do is go to anywhere that deals with digital prints, walmart, or cvs pharmacy, if you have one of those nearby they can do it. Well, have them transfer your pictures onto a disc. From there, you can print @ that time or a later date, have them for storage AND you can put them onto the pc.


The digital camera we have is old and doesn't have a card that comes out of it like newer ones do. We're in the process now of ordering a new computer so hopefully we'll get that soon and I can post some pictures.

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Yeah i am sure thats normal how lill Ian is sleeping, when i was a baby i was a good sleeper at that age, my niece slept really well like that befor she was one month old aswell, so i am sure theres nothing to worry about. Even though you still will since its your first.


Awwww you have such a nice hubby, you found one of the really good men.


Glad you are doing better. Yeah its funny my sister went flat like normal as well in a few weeks when she gaved bith to her son. she still has stretch marks though that are really easy to see

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I can't remember how much baby Ian weighed when he was born, but I've been told that big babies don't need to be fed as much as smaller ones because they drink more ounces of milk. So don't worry, I'm sure he'd let you know if he was hungry.


Take care.

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Everything is going great. Ian is doing great, the doctor said it was unusual for a baby to sleep through the night at only a month old but he's fine. He weighs 10 lbs and 13 ounces now and is still the same height.


I'm pretty much back to normal finally. I still get tired easily but I have my strength back now. I'm slowly starting to lift weights again to gain more strength back so that is helping a lot.


We've still been looking for a house and we think we found one. We have to wait another 2 weeks to make sure that the people that live there now aren't going to sign for another year and if they don't, it's ours. It's 600 dollars a month, electric and water included. It's a great price for a 3 bedroom house, 1 and a half baths, full living room, kitchen, and basement. The house is only a block from my sister's house and 3 blocks from my house so it's easy for us to get to both of their houses when we get it. I get my license on December 11th so it'll be even easier on us having two cars.


It's still hard to believe that I'm a mommy to a beautiful baby boy and married to the man I love. Times have changed so much but I'd never trade what I have for anything. It's an amazing feeling to wake up each morning and see my husband and son's face.

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I've gone through and read your story, from this thread an others. I just want to say that it is refreshing to see someone with so much maturity and determination to take a potentially negative situation and turn it into something so wonderful. I was so disheartened when I read that you were having complications after the birth of Ian, and so glad that you came out of it okay. You truly have maturity beyond your years. Good luck with everything!

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