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A 2 year personal journey...


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...for the next 2 years (October 19th 2006-October 18th 2008) I will do nothing but work on improving myself. I won't date anyone (RA this year, and I'll be studying in Japan next year), but will instead become more extroverted. I will work on mentally and physically improve myself now. I will also try my best on improving my confidence on the way as well. I will even write a blog to keep track of my progress. I know there are no guarentees in life and I may not succeed at what I aim, but I think these are realistic goals. Life will go on as always, but I will look towards a better future for myself. I won't reach for perfection, but will simply be satisfied with what I can achieve in these next 2 years. Wish me luck!

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wow, that really takes a LOT of determination, discipline, and effort. it's not something i'd be able to do (not even for a day). it's such a big committment, and i give you LOTS of kudos if you are successful in your endeavor.


best of luck, and good for you


ps: even if you don't make it for the whole two years, you should still be pround of your accomplishments! (not saying that yoU WON't make it for those 2 years, but you know what I mean... 'just in case')

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