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abortion question


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Congratulations are in order!!!!


YOu will do fine, youll see! Im happy that you are making the decision that is best for you and that you have thought this through!


Your life is going to change forever, but its not bad really.. I did it and you can too!


We are all here and pulling for you so please keep us posted on how you are doing and if you ever need to talk, we will listen.

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This is one decision you will never regret. And you are saving yourself alot of guilt and sadness.


You say that you're still in school, does that mean you haven't finished high school?


I would strongly suggest that both you and your bf get full-time jobs as soon as possible. You are going to want to work hard and save all the money you can for when the darling comes. But don't be too worried. Remember, children don't need alot of money and fancy clothes and toys to be happy. Just plenty of love and attention.


Good luck with your family. I found it sooooo hard to tell my mom. But once I did, it felt good to have her involved.

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Well good for you and congratulations!


You are about to see how strong of a woman you really are. You will exceed your own expectations, I'm sure of it.


It's so great that you have a guy standing firmly by your side.


When I found out I was pregnant, I knew telling my mother would be hard, but I just called her and did it as soon as I could...I saw it as ripping off a bandaid. Yeah it's gonna sting, but it was good to get it over with. She made her judgements and wanted what was best for me which she thought was an abortion...but once she saw how badly that was eating me up, she just wanted me to be happy. Parents have their own expectations of their children and are upset when they feel they are accomplishing less than they feel they can...but they always come around (sooner or later).


I was so nervous about keeping my baby. The father didn't want it, my family told me it was best for me to abort, I received no excitement or good wishes from anyone (except for those on this site, which I found at that much-needed time) but I knew in my heart it was right.


I haven't been to college (yet) and I had a lot of plans for my life that I had to put on hold for just right now. But as I sit here typing, I can feel my baby kicking and seriously, everything is right in the world. No, I don't have my dream job, but it pays the bills...I know I'll be okay and SO WILL YOU.


Good luck. I really hope you keep updating, it's amazing to see what some of these women go through during these times.

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OOOOO!!!! YAY!!! I am so happy for you! Congratulations. You are a strong and brave woman! Best wishes for everything you are going to have to go through, but from the brief bit I have learned about you (from your threads) I can already tell you are going to do just fine. You do have a level head on your shoulders and you will get through everything just fine. Good luck!

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Congratulations Katie! You will be a wonderful mother. I attended school when I was pregnant with my son, maybe you can still go while your pregnant too. I wish you all the best of luck and ....I admire you for making this choice. It isn't the 'easy' one but it is the rewarding one.


I was faced with the same decision you were and I chose to keep my son...best damn decision I ever made. I can't imagine life without him.

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Katie, Love, I am so happy for you!!! I really am!!! My family was totally unsupportive of me keeping the baby too and I felt so alone in the world and now, they are all truly happy and I am so happy for you, also!!!


You are going to get through this!!! GOOSEBUMPS!!! Oh I am so thrilled. I was thinking that I was going to get an abortion, too and actually went to the clinic TWICE. Then, I cancelled and postponed it once more, went to the doctor, got an ultrasound at week 8.5 and saw the heartbeat. That was the turning point. What an amazing thing you have growing and what a miracle you two have made!!! I am thrilled for you that your boyfriend is in love with you and the idea of this child is lovely to him.


Thank you so much for listening to your heart as so many people cave in to their families and society pressures. I know that with proper determination and support, you will get back to school and make it through. I know it's crazy but this is a blessing and your life will only be enriched by it!!!



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thanks everyone..just reading all the 'congratulations' makes me smile. I know i can do this.

I was sick at work today, and when they joked that i was pregnant i told them i wasn't. I'd rather tell my family first then my colleagues.

Some more good news, my bf might be getting a job as a carpenter's assistant. Starting pay is £300! which means we would be getting around £1000 a month when u deduct tax.

I really hope he gets it as it means we could rent a flat privately.

I'm so excited! i spose i had better make an appointment with my gp.


once again thank you all!


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Hi Katie,

I'm glad that for the most part, your thread has remained neutral as far as opinions go.. I would like to add to this thread, just saying that I got pregnant at 19 and had my son at 20. I also contemplated abortion but changed my mind when I saw my son's heartbeat via ultrasound at 6 weeks. I am about to finish up my degree and my son is now a beautiful and vivacious 3 year old. It is possible to do everything you want with a child, although it IS very hard. You will have to make a lot of sacrifices. But hang in there... things will work out for the best.

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