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How to stop masturbating / content software ?


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Hi all,


I'm 31 and I masturbate about 2 times a day. I may be a bit of an anomally because I never touched myself to completion until I was 21. I don't feel guilty but I would like to stop because not masturbating for about three weeks feels fantastic. There's much more of a sexual edge to me if I abstain for a while and it's kinda nice to have a half-a-chub going on all the time. It's hard for me to resist for that long if I have access to the internet.


Does anybody have any mental and/or computer advice about how to stop masturbating? Are there any good free content blockers out there? What about ways to protect your 'hosts' file from modification so I could redirect myself somewhere else whenever I hit one of the usual sites?


I know this seems like a total lack of self-control to install software on my own computer to prevent myself from going at it, but I really think it would help. Thanks for your advice!

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To put it mildly...You need counseling, bro...


Just playin', but you just have poor impulse control.


It's all in your mind...Once you get control of your thoughts and urges, I bet you'll be walking around with a "half a chub" every day from that moment on.


Best of luck to you...

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Perhaps your doing it 2 times a day isn't as abnormal as you think? I'm not a guy so I wouldn't know. Your post reminds me of a class I once took in psychology.


The guy's situation was way worse than yours. It was one of Freud's patients who Freud called "The Rat Man." The guy would literally masterbate every time he made a mistake or felt emberassed all throughout the day.


His case is extreme. I doubt yours is.

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Well, the key here is to never be alone. Try to keep yourself in the company of others as much as possible. You are most vulnerable when you are by yourself. I would assume that another vulnerable place would be in the shower. When in the shower just try to wash up and leave as quickly as possible. Also, when alone try to visit a public place, so you won't be able to masturbate (I hope lol.)


This really is not much to be concerned about though. All healthy Men masturbate at least several times a week. Most evidence suggests that they do it even more than women.

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lol it can become an addiction I know...software is not the solution tho because you'd end up uninstalling it to get to the good stuff...the being around people idea doesn't work too good either, you still go to the bathroom or shower a few times a day lol


Maybe the best way would be a bet like they did in Seinfeld ?

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A lot of adtions become adtions becouse we make the act or event an treat, we say to ourselfs once i have done this thing I dont like doing ill treat myself to some thing I like doing, over time this treat becomes a need and then the need an adation.


Stop trating your self buy looking at porn and wanking off, find another trate for yourself some thing healthy. Get into books, musics playing any thing construtice and will get girls likeing you. Me I cook food, I like cooking and take my time to make good fresh and healthy food to eat, I never buy ready made food (ye never know whats in it) so all my cakes and stuff are my own making. (I do buy bread made form a nice bakers)


do that and you PULLING OF THE PUDD will stop in no time

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Why do you want to stop? When I was in school and studying alot, I would do it 5, 6, even 7 times in a day just for relief.


Why are you feeling guilty about it? That is what I would focus on.



WHAT OMG really man thats like thats like WOW 7 times in one day


like I have had sex 4 times in one day but that killed me and I was 25



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WHAT OMG really man thats like thats like WOW 7 times in one day


like I have had sex 4 times in one day but that killed me and I was 25




Remember it's different for a woman. I don't really feel tired, in fact it gives me a boost. We can have multiple orgasms and come over and over. I wouldn't suggest a guy coming 7 times in one day. ouch.

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Thanks for the advice everyone. I definitely have had luck cutting back when I'm on vacation or busy with things that are personally worthwhile. When I'm busy with stressful things (like work) it tends to get more frequent.


Like I said, I absolutely don't feel guilty and I have gone through phases of doing it less and doing it more. BUT, I know I have a great edge to me and generally feel better if I stop for a while. Dreams (both erotic and normal) start coming back to me or at least I can remember them.


So, no real advice for forcefully installing content software that I could give someone else the password for or something along those lines? I never really was a shower fan, I'm sure I could cut down a lot if I didn't have access to the internet. I know... such a lack of self control.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Remember it's different for a woman. I don't really feel tired, in fact it gives me a boost. We can have multiple orgasms and come over and over. I wouldn't suggest a guy coming 7 times in one day. ouch.


True that Hazey! But you gonna end up using a F*&^%$g CUCUMBER!

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