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getting rid of blackheads??


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Hey Babyboo,


Sometimes blackheads can become really stubborn. I have my fair share. Anyways, the best way to get rid of blackheads is to heat up your face really well so your pores open. You should try buying a blackhead remover. It is a small metal rod that basically has a hole in it. When you press it down on your blackhead, it will cause it to burst. If you get this, make sure you sterilize it first. If you have stubborn blackheads, try gently removing them using a tissue. Gently squeeze the blackhead, while holding the tissue in the tips of your fingers. If it doesn't want to come out, leave it alone. Becareful, sometimes overheating the face can cause spider veins. Remember, do not squeeze too hard or you'll create acne scars (I've learned the hard way). You should also try and invest in toner or exfoliant. Blackheads are caused by oil being trapped by dirt. The black is the dirt, and underneath is a whitish/yellowish liquid, sometimes solid, that is removed when you squeeze. I hope this helps. If you have a lot of blackheads, maybe it would be wise to go to an esthetician.



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I use a daily facial scrub on my face, morning and night. Scrubs work wonders, and make your skin look so good. Just make sure it's a scrub that can be used every day, since some others might be too harsh for your skin. I have sensitive skin, though, and have found no trouble with the daily scrub. I use Neutrogena.


I've heard that squeezing out blackheads causes you to have holes lol Maybe try those Biore strips??

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Hi babyboo!


I was given a Spa Day as a gift and part of that treatment was a facial with an amazing Esthetcian, named Nancy that I now ADORE!


I have good skin but could never seem to eliminate the blackheads on my nose. Friends and family thought I was loco and said they were not noticeable. Pfffft, if I could see them I know they could too!


Anyway, Nancy worked her magic (it hurt like nobodies business!!!) but when I got off of her table I almost fell out. NO MORE BLACKHEADS!!! She wanted me to buy her $5,782,765,823.00 exfoliater and believe me with those results I was way tempted! However the penny pincher in me drove straight to Target after more pampering and purchased a tube of Neutrogena Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub. Nancy said to only use an exfoliater twice a week- while in the shower. The steam helps to get those pores open.


I am also a fan of Micro-Dermabrasion. Once a month I will opt to skip the Neutrogena for a week and do an at home kit that I bought at CVS. The one I chose was Skin Effects- again because I loved to be pampered but am so let's say frugal, I only chose that one because it was on sale!!! So I am sure any would be fine. Your skin feels and looks AMAZING after this treatment!


Remember all skin types are different and these products might not work the same for you. It is worth a try until you find your perfect combination of skin care. I wash daily with a gentle cleanser, I swear by Witch Hazel as an astrigant and then use moisturizer.


Hope this helps!

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