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I think I have no chance now...


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And it could be my own fault for trying to pretend I'm someone different than me. It's about this girl that I had an interest in and, as I said before, she seemed far more interested in the quiet guy that had nothing to do with her. But it just hurts now because (even though I KNOW they aren't going out) they'll actually stop by different places to see one another and will then "thank" one another for stopping by to talk. THey'll also recognize hwo much they have in common and they'll hammer each other with some pretty mean insults (just to play around) and they always find something humorous about one another. And she'll always talk about him being kind, thoughtful, and sweet. Should the lesson I take out of this be that she is in love (or really, really likes the other guy) and that maybe I should have been myself to try and be with her other than being someone I'm not?

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Im raising a red flag here.


I would run away so fast if i where you. You know , i know this type of girl. They want something COMPLETELY different then what you want them to want. You can already see that she has her arrows pointed on a different type of guy. And since you aren't being approached by her, the alarmbells start ringing that you might be in for a lot of hurt if you keep pursuading a one sided love coming only from your side. Do yourself a favour and get a girl who considers you as her nr.1

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