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how to get rid of zits and pimples??


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i tried practicly everything in the stores ...creams,masks w.e there is ...and it doesn't seem to help....i was thinking maybe you guys have some traditional methods or i dunno ...but my face is really bothering me


i'm trying to get rid of them like for 4 years already and nothing seems to work.

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Proactive is the BEST acne medication i have EVER used. i see the results usually within the same day i use it (however minor they are), and my face doesn't dry up to the point that i can rub off dead skin cells and see a more natural skin color underneath.


you use it during and after you take a shower. are only 3 steps (4 if you want the oil-free moisturizer or night creme (the night creme eliminates a lot of acne, too))


it works if you use it, and i'd recommend using it twice a day (which means showering twice a day, of course). if you use it at first and don't see the results immediately, don't worry. keep using it.

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Hey B,

Seeing a dermatologist would be best. I've tried Proactiv myself and had mixed outcomes -- I've heard success stories and it did help clear my skin one time. BUT on another occasion, it really dried out my skin so if your skin is dry already, Proactiv might not be very helpful at this point.

I went to a dermatologist and he prescribed retinol-A, which I applied to my face twice a day.

If your face is dry, don't wash it as often. And try to avoid touching your face during the day. NEVER squeeze your pimples bc doing so will only leave scars.

Drink a lot of water; it helps flush out toxins from your system (or so I've heard... keeping hydrated is good for you in general anyway ...)

Hope this helps!



thx....i hoped i could avoid the dermatologist tho...i gues not

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Hey, one more thing ... avoid using scrubs since they irritate your skin. Also, using all these different medications, masks, etc might be what's causing the break-out as well. That's why a visit to the dermatologist might be helpful. S/he will give you a prescription and you stick to that mediation so you don't further irritate your skin ...

Also using a mask every day is not good and it might be what's drying out your skin.

Good luck!


oo wow welll thxx a lottt ..hope my face clears up soon

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Hi BabyboO,


I used to have really bad acne which started in my teens. I have used everything on the market, even got a face peel, but it always came back. My face is clear now. Any time I get a pimple, I dampen my pointer finger with a little water and dip it in salt and apply, leave on for atleast ten minutes, rinse with warm water and dab a little honey on, leave on a few minutes and rinse. This may sound strange but it truly works better than anything else I've tried. You will see immediate results!

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Proactive is the BEST acne medication i have EVER used. i see the results usually within the same day i use it (however minor they are), and my face doesn't dry up to the point that i can rub off dead skin cells and see a more natural skin color underneath.


you use it during and after you take a shower. are only 3 steps (4 if you want the oil-free moisturizer or night creme (the night creme eliminates a lot of acne, too))


it works if you use it, and i'd recommend using it twice a day (which means showering twice a day, of course). if you use it at first and don't see the results immediately, don't worry. keep using it.


I would only advise this if you want to experiment with new things and arent afraid of any side effects...I tried this product for awhile and all it did was make my skin red and irritated all the time...def didnt do much....and as i got older i realized that there are some simple things you can do on a daily basis to help minimize breakouts....here are a few:


1.Go to the bathroom when you have to, sounds stupid but studys show not going number 2 when you have to increases the toxin build up in your system and excrets it through your skin, hence creating new breakouts....


2.Try not eating so much white bread, try switching to whole grain, or whole wheat and seeing if that helps..


3.Drink plently of water


4.Get enough sleep


5.Use a facewash soap like Clearsil Daily facewash on your entire body...Works like a charm for me...But beware there are 2 different versions, the sensitive skin version which doesnt work which is weird, and the regular version which helps prevent on my skin..


6.Dont use over drying solutions or creams.


7.Try tanning (naturally or in a bed)


8.Eat healthy, stay away from junk fast food products


9.Stay away from stress which could easily speed up breakouts


10. Dont touch breakouts no matter how bad they are, cleanse them and wait it out...it will only make things worse...

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I don't know if this is traditional, but this is what a lot of people did when I was young.


Take a white washcloth (white has no skin irritating dyes) and put rubbing alcohol on it. The higher the concentration of alcohol the better. Stores sell 70% alcohol, 80%, 90%, and sometimes Safeway sells 99%. Pour some on the washrag and scrub your face with it, but not to hard. Do this every other day at first. If the alcohol dries out your skin to much, then only do it twice a week.


In between days scrub face with a white wash cloth with bar soap on it. Then wash soap off with a clean wash cloth.


The above will disinfect rather well.


Also, drink as much water as you can everyday and eat less fatty foods and especially less cheese. This will reduce the number of clogged pores. The scrubbing with a white terry wash cloth will also unclog pores. Also, the stronger alcohols 90% and higher are very effective at dissolving grease and that unclogs pores (plus the disinfecting).


That's what I started doing in my late teens and my face started clearing up after about a month. It fully cleared up at about 2 months and my complexion was good after that. I continued this for years. I still do it once a week.


It worked for me and I have no scars. Maybe it'll work for you. Best of all, it's a very cheap remedy.


I think this could be called an old school remedy. It worked for me and my sister and many other people.


Oh ya, tanning does also work wonders for disinfecting the skin. The UV rays in the sun disinfect deeper than alcohol. However, tanning does not unclog pores. If you can get some sun, then on those days you can use the sun instead of alcohol.


However, in my climate and many others in the country, the sun is not available for months at time. For example, here in WA we have not seen the sun for two days straight now due to thick clouds. That condition may go on for days or weeks. Even when we do see the sun, it has no strength in the Fall, Winter, and Early Spring. So sun tanning is not an option here for 9 months of the year. I preferred the sun over alcohol when there was sun available in the summer. The rest of the year, alcohol was great.

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