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Starved Body


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Blood falls;

Silently I grieve.

Tears drop;

Inside I hurt.


Sharp metal;

Slice my skin.

Lost friends;

To much pain.


Red skin;

Crimson stained sharpness.

Self harm;

My best friend.


Death wish;

Leave me alone.

Broken promises;

Used for sex.


Starving stomach;

Wish not eat.

Hellish nightmare

Myself care nought.


Little care;

From anyone here.

Daily struggle;

Regain lost happiness.


Cursed memories;

Old Love kills.

Totally alone;

No loving care.


Whats wrong;

I'm dead inside.

No life;

except the pain.



Im pretty impressed at myself.


2 words.

3 words.


I stilll feel like writing more death.


The title - it means Starved as in no food and little blood (from cutting)

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