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Dramma drama drama....*sigh*


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My father went to my brothers school and took him out in the middle of the day just to yell and scream and just be a jerk to him!!!


I heard when my brother best friend came back to his house (where we are staying right now) and when I asked where my brother was he said my dad came and got him! All I could think was really bad things that could've happened...so I went over to my house and my father wasn't there, but my brother was in his room and said my dad had just left. That he yelled at him for not being there and not coming home. I asked my brother what he yelled at him for and he said that my father said, "if your **** sister doesn't care about us fine! She's not mine anyways (


Ok....For one, as far as I know I am his! So I don't know what in the world that's about (I haven't talked to him, I just took my brother back to his friends house).


For two, why in the world would he take him out of school in the middle of the day to just scream and yell at him and act like a complete jerk!?!?! Jeesh!


Luckily it's friday so I have a few days to figure out what to do, but really....I doubt there is much I can do. I don't really want to go to school and have this happen again, not only does it disrupt that school day it makes just life a bit harder and more stressful. He has to go back to school and I can't change his schools just to keep my father from doing something like this because I mean he still has custody of him and I don't. So I don't know about that, I guess let him go back to school and hope.


Oh and my brother is ok. I guess my father didn't do much, other then yelling, screaming, and slammin things around and all. Which I'm tahnkful for, but I don't know if I should go back and make my brother stay there again so he won't get po'ed that he isn't staying there or what.

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How old is your father?

Does he have normal hearing?

Has he ever been psychiatrically hospitalized?

Does he accuse your mom of cheating?

Has he ever cheated on her that you know of?





Almost 40 yrs I think.

Umm....yes .....I think.


A few times.

No. Not that I know of.

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Hey GA-


Well, this is no good. I had hoped his rage would be contained to the house but your post here tells otherwise.


If I posted here exactly what I think of this guy...I'd get banned from ENA for two consecutive life sentences...


The good thing here is he seems to have in some senses (at least for now) kind of given up on trying to control and oppress you. This is the good part here!


The bad part is what to do about your bro. I mean, it's almost like he's been captured by the enemy and is being held prisoner. Actually, that is what it is exactly.


Your best bet here is to tell your brother's friend's parents what happened and talk to his teacher about this. That's the next step I think. And be completely open and honest about this whole situation.


Aside from that, you keep focusing on your job and finding a place to live on your own that your dad won't (hopefully) know about.

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Sorry to hear that, he clearly is very abusive towards you and your brother...how about filing a police complaint and calling social services ? If he has done that at school means there are witnesses and he can lose his parental rights...


Also how old are you Gone? Do you have a place to live other than home with the sicko ? If so you could take your brother there...if not he would be taken to a foster home, anything is better than staying with that mad father

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The thing about him saying I'm not his is bugging me, not because I want to be his! lol But why would he say that if I was his? I just keep wondering, what if I'm not his.....but it's not so important. Just ciriosity I guess.


We (me and my brother) told my brothers friends parents what happened today. They again said we could stay ther as long as we needed, and that they did want to file a police report. I know they just wwant to help, and I do realize that's probably what needs to be done and all, but that sure makes me nervous! Just the thought of it makes me cringe! I guess we will see what happens tomorrow.




I'm 18 yrs. We are staying with my brother best friends family at the moment, but I am working on getting a place of my own.


That's what my brothers friends mother wants to do, file a report. She wants to go tomorrow and talk to the cops and all. I guess it's a good thing there are witnesses now, for at least a bit of it. I guess.


I don't know, I'm just nervous I guess...I have a bad feeling about this.

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Wow it's great that you have such a good friend and and friend's family as well...few are that lucky.


Well if you're 18 you can get legal custody of your brother...so he shouldn't end up put in foster homes and such...it's normal to be scared but I bet you're more scared every day thinking of what's happening in the "dad's" home...so once things are settled you two won't have to be scared again

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Wow it's great that you have such a good friend and and friend's family as well...few are that lucky.


Well if you're 18 you can get legal custody of your brother...so he shouldn't end up put in foster homes and such...it's normal to be scared but I bet you're more scared every day thinking of what's happening in the "dad's" home...so once things are settled you two won't have to be scared again




We went to the cops and talked to a few people, child services (something like DHSH?) I think where included. Either way they said they would do an investigation or something and we would have to go to court for this, possibly a few times. They also made my brother stay at a group home for a few days, but he is allowed to stay with his friends parents, they went and got him yesterday. I don't know how long this is suppose to take, but it's been a few days now and they haven't even done the investigation, but my father isn't suppose to come any where near where we are staying at my brothers best friends house or my brothers school. They told this to the school I guess. I don't know.


I had an interview yesterday for a job that got better pay ($10/hour starting!) that has benefits and stuff. I don't know if I'll get it though, I think the interview went ok. I don't know.


Too much stuff has been going on these past few days, the days just keep dragging on...or at least it seems that way to me. I don't know how the court stuff is going to be and I'm sick of explaining everything my father has done! I'm sooooo sick of saying it.


but ya..........too much going on in such a short time.

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