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boyfriends a moron....


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How is he being a moron? The thing I've managed to figure out with guys, is that they really don't think about things the way we do. I wish I knew what context you were talking about. Anyways, I've realized that a woman can't expect a man to read her mind and give her what she wants. You need to talk to him and tell him exactly what is on your mind and what you expect out of him. Guys don't get hints very easily either. You just gotta tell them straight to the point. I think its just the way their brains operate.

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The thing I've managed to figure out with guys, is that they really don't think about things the way we do. Anyways, I've realized that a woman can't expect a man to read her mind and give her what she wants. You need to talk to him and tell him exactly what is on your mind and what you expect out of him. Guys don't get hints very easily either. You just gotta tell them straight to the point. I think its just the way their brains operate.


Yeah, it sucks that guys' brains are so logical huh? It sucks that guys aren't magical demi-gods who can read women's minds, intuitively pick up on hints. If that wasn't bad enough, they have to figure out whether giving the girl "what she wants" is going to repel her since it's not exciting for her anymore.


By the way, I've met PLENTY of women who are morons. Whatever my faults, one good trait about me is that I'm smart. This may be why I've always been rejected. Moronic women are afraid of me and I haven't been lucky enough to meet a smart gal yet. I'm not just smart in that I know how many moons Jupiter has, but also quick on the uptake, able to sense people's feelings, etc. Sometimes I think so fast, people around me don't understand what the hell I'm getting at. And so they think I'm stupid and reject me!

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Moronic women are afraid of me and I haven't been lucky enough to meet a smart gal yet.


Yikes. I hope your Mom doesn't become an enotaloner! To read your baby say he has never met a smart lady would make a woman teary eyed or at the very least get out the wooden spoon!

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Well, it's understood that close family members are the exceptions. Naturally, my mom is smart or else I wouldn't be. Duh. When people say they've 'never been kissed', it again means *outside the family circle*.


I'm not trying to scare anyone. On the contrary I would like people (especially women) to be drawn to me. If my intelligence scares them, well that ain't my fault. A truly intelligent woman would be turned on by intelligence, not scared away.

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Why is your guy a moron? What did he do that makes you classify it as moronic behavior? Can you please explain? The word is very general and he's probably just a nice guy with some odd qualities or just a guy with male qualities that you don't understand. Or maybe you're just annoyed and you need to call him a moron. I don't know.



It only sucks that guys and girls are different and it's hard for both sexes to understand each other. It sucks that it requires a lot of time, energy and misunderstandings for a couple to reach a common ground. I believe it's sad that you've mostly been with moronic women. Maybe you are attracted to them? I know that moronic women are quite attractive. And who knows maybe you have drawn a non-moronic intelligent women to you but you haven't noticed her yet

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Maybe you are attracted to them? I know that moronic women are quite attractive. And who knows maybe you have drawn a non-moronic intelligent women to you but you haven't noticed her yet


I find stupid women absolutely disgusting. I am not attracted to them at all, no matter how ravishingly sexy they are. You're just falling for the common stereotype about men liking dumb blondes. I love intelligence and will look past physical defects if a woman is brainy.


I haven't been with either type of woman. Stupid women obviously pass me by (and I don't care). I haven't met a brainy woman yet, or perhaps she has passed me by thinking I'm stupid, for whatever reason. But I'm waiting...

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I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that you were into looks. But I think that it often takes time to know whether or not a person is brainy. I don't know, I've read somewhere that if you want to meet a certain type of man/woman, you'll mostly find them in the places they are likely to be at. That is, a brainy woman will most likely appear to you at a book signing, a library, a class etc. But that doesn't mean you can't meet her at other places.

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But I think that it often takes time to know whether or not a person is brainy.


Yes, you're right. I've been on the recieving end of that judgement many times. I try not to judge people on first impression (but I'm sure I've been guilty of that a few times). But if I ever find out for sure that a woman isn't intelligent, it's a huge turn off. She doesn't have to be a geek or anything, just practical and quick-thinking.


Hey, *you* sound brainy

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I'd also like to add here there are different types of intelligence.


I know a person who dropped out of high school who can tune your car to run like you wouldn't believe, can tell you more than you ever wanted to know about it, and runs a successful business.


I know an accomplished and published scientist with a Ph.D who couldn't figure out how to open a package of breath mints and is one of the most socially retarded people I have ever seen in my life.

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I just want to say that if you are really, really smart, and you find women or men aren't drawn to you, consider the possibility that you might come accross as an arrogant bonehead or that a sense of humor might be a wonderful accessory to intelligence. For me, humor is a must and most truly intelligent people have mastered the art of bringing joy to the masses.

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