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Man loses interest in a woman after a period of time, does it behoove the woman to attempt, in any way possible, to re-awaken that interest? How should one go about it? Change of dress style, loss of weight, make-up, less negativity, etc? Can it work? I don't need the spiel that "all is lost". Need some positive ideas.

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I'd say get busy, don't be as available. When he does call to ask you out, tell him your busy that day, but suggest another time to hang out. This will drive up your desire, if any is left. He won't want to imagine you hanging out with another guy, if he likes you at all. Of course, look your best when you do go out, be confident and know your worth his time. Good luck!

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Change of dress style, loss of weight, make-up, less negativity, etc? Can it work? I don't need the spiel that "all is lost". Need some positive ideas.


Has he given you reasons that he lost interest?


There are ways to get attention back. But, If you are changing your style of dress, going on a diet, trying out new make-up, trying to be positive, you should be doing those things for You, to feel better about yourself rather than doing it just to win him back.

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I agree with other posters to make yourself busy in your life.


There's nothing more effective at causing someone to lose interest than chasing them.


Remember when you chased your puppy/cat/pet as a child and it kept running away, but the second you stopped chasing it, it came right back home, same situation here.


Make yourself unavailable, do a houdini trick.


Hugs, Rose

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I dont think that it is as simple that you have to draw them back to you and then once you do, you still have to keep playing that game. The truth is that drawing them back to you only keeps them as long as the infatuation lasts. If the guy has lost interest in you, then unless he relizes what he lost then we wont turn it around. If you believe that his interest is slipping then you are on the downward slope.

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When I walk away from a woman, it's usually forever. After having dated them long enough to cut them, I'm done with them.


As far as them coming back into the picture and calling me, I'd probably talk to them. However, if they were to get recapture my interest they would have to change their game. If you can learn to seduce a man in such a way that you get him to chase you while slowly walking away from him then you've got him. Creating the desire can be difficult but I also don't know any man who isn't tempted by sexual desire.

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"Fandango: n. A vigorous Spanish dance, in triple time." -- new Webster's Dictionary.


I actually went and looked it up. Truth be told, I picture something with castanets.


Yeah, guys can smell desperate female a mile away. The only thing they don't seem to be able to see through is the "walking away to get him to chase you." A patently obvious move, it works a surprising number of times. I never do it as a trick; if I walk away, I'm really walking away, but I know alot of women who do it as a ploy. Maybe it's a narcissistic thing; people want to ally themselves to a strong partner, not a weak one. And nothing says confident like "I don't need you."

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