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Its all about loving yourself.

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If i say post any 5 bad points you have for yourself , I am sure you will post 1o (lol....i m included in this stuff }

WELL. lets try to aprecaite ourselves this time .Everyone write 5 good things in yourself that you are proud of.This might sound easy but just try writing them down and posting it I am sure it won`t be that easy.I believe we should learn to love ourselves ,if we able to see the bad stuff in ourselves we should also be able to see the angel in ourselves.

It might be first step for many of us but why not just do it because life is all about loving yourself .

So what you say lets try it .

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Hmm actually I tend to be well aware of my good points, which is why I can't work out what it is I'm doing wrong all the time, but here goes.


1. Friendly, I'll generally befriend anyone if they're nice enough to me.

2. Financially stable, own my own place have a secure job etc.

3. Intelligent, doing post grad as well as working, also I always get really high scores whenever I do IQ based tests.

4. I have reasonably good looks. I've been working out more and more and have been losing a lot of weight of late.

5. While I do complain a lot I don't just sit there and complain, I'm always trying to look at ways of making my situation better. Like how I've been going to the gym more and more because I didn't like carrying round the excess flab.


Hmm well there's 5, although I do also like my sense of creativty, which spreads round to all sorts of activities.


What I don't like about myself is my complete inability to ever make friends and keep them. It's rare for me to stay friends with anyone for much longer than a couple of years. Eventually they just disapear.

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Hmmm, this is a fun thing to do on a Friday. Happy thoughts!!


Let's see.


1. Passionate, with the ability to completely enjoy life--food, music, a beautiful sunset, and plenty of other things.

2. Friendly, outgoing, easy to get along with, and adaptible...probably from moving every couple of years with a dad in the Air Force as a kid.

3. Compassionate, and a good listener.

4. Quirky sense of humor--and I can always make myself laugh, at least....

5. Intelligent and well-read....and always eager to learn new things.

I've also been told that I have a cute smile...

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Okay, here goes:


1. I am very kind. I know a lot of people say I am kind, and I am glad to be nice to people.


2. I am determined. I won't quit until I finish something.


3. I am open-minded. I don't discriminate and will think things out with a clear head.


4. I'm not lazy. I love to jog and hate to do nothing for long periods, as I could use that do something constructive.


5. I'm loyal. I am loyal to my friends and family. I care for them very much and would do anything for them.

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i like to make people laugh and smile, even total strangers.


i'm very, very patient.


i like my scruffy teddy bear look.


the concepts of forgiveness, loyalty, justice, altruism and faith in humanity are meaningful to me.


i'm comfortable with being imperfect; it means that i have lots of potential for improvement.

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1. taking care of others and willing to share

2. I'm very honest and I guess I'm never mean

3. I can take care of myself and am able to be alone quite a long period. I'm trying to be more and more independent

4. I love the personal part and like people for who they really are and like to observe the way they act. I'm often a serious person as well

5. I can be creative and a little artistical but I guess I have to be in that mood

6. I'm almost in a good (enough) shape (my body)

7. I think I might say I'm healthy (no diseases only my astma), I eat healthy as well

8. My family has let me grown up in a good way I think, with giving me norms etc.

9. Several people say I'm a beautiful girl (and I prefer to be 'natural'), but outside doesn't mather that much to me

10. I love to learn new things and I enjoy little things in life

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1. Pretty curves (kind of a euphemism for "feminine plumpness")

2. Big brown eyes

3. Pretty face and smile


Haha... now I sound full of it.



1. I am in general a sweet girl.

2. I am spontaneous.

3. I'm smart.

4. I'm artistic and creative.

5. I have big dreams!

6. I believe I would make a good wife/mother someday.

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