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Flirting to Dating to Avoidance..


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yeah. i love my beauty sleep. jerk.


oh, and today in class.


i mean, it'd be fun cuz he is fun to hang out with, but, he like dropped me for two weeks. i dont think he deserves my company. but i have a really hard time saying no, to anyone. and i don't see what it'd hurt just going to his house for a few hours. plus we wont be alone.


let me know what ya think PLEASE!


ok... you know he isn't good enough for you but you still seem to wanna go. This smells like a crush to me. The harm it would do to go to his house is that you'll get over him later. If I was you, I'd try to forget this guy and get over him - in other words, not to go to his house and not let the crush get worse.

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I would bet the guy has alternative projects going on... either with his ex or some other girl(s). When they're going well, and it looks like he might get sex from them, he ignores you. When they start going badly, he suddenly remembers you, begins flirting and calling and asking you to hang out.


Be careful. Don't invest too much in him emotionally just yet. You could get hurt.


If I were you I'd really begin dating other boys too, as if this guy were nothing special. The more you let your life and happiness revolve around him, the more vulnerable you're making yourself.

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I would bet the guy has alternative projects going on... either with his ex or some other girl(s). When they're going well, and it looks like he might get sex from them, he ignores you. When they start going badly, he suddenly remembers you, begins flirting and calling and asking you to hang out.


you are deffinatly right. he and his ex broke up again. now he really isn't leaving me alone. he thinks im going to be his little backup b!tch. not gunna happen. i was rather standoffish to him today, and i think he noticed. he asked me, "what's your problem today?" and i just told him "nothin really." i've decided that i'm done with him, in a relationship sense, but i would like to be friends. i just am not very how to go about telling him that. i'm not good with confrontations. i'm scared that i or the otehr person will end up upset, and i don't like that at all.


also, i'm starting to like this other boy in my class who goes to my school. so he's kinda getting me over the first boy.



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i've decided that i'm done with him, in a relationship sense, but i would like to be friends. i just am not very how to go about telling him that. i'm not good with confrontations. i'm scared that i or the otehr person will end up upset, and i don't like that at all.


Hey... so don't confront him. You don't owe him a confrontation!


Does he treat you as if he considers himself in a committed relationship with you? No. So then, why do you have to worry about confronting him and telling him the relationship is over?


Just let it go... unless he pushes you for an answer, then you can tell him "I think we should just be friends". He'll get the idea.


Meanwhile just do what you're doing, live your life, feel free to go out with other boys. I'm sure there's a lot of them out there who will treat you right.



also, i'm starting to like this other boy in my class who goes to my school. so he's kinda getting me over the first boy.




Good for you! Just be sure what you're doing though. If you're just flirting around with this new boy to make the first boy jealous... well, that's not really fair to the new boy!

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lol annie you're so cute. thank you dear.

and to grokker,

you're right i don't owe him a confrontation.

but, i did tell him that i just want to be friends. and im happy about that because now he leaves me alone. hes gotten the message that he, well, f-ed up. and i didn't hang out with him yesterday even though he asked me to. im glad i didnt.

and this new boy, he's not just to make the first one jealous. he's a cool kid. and im pretty sure he likes me too. im just kinda scared to see waht happens with him because the other boy screwed me over.

we'll see i guess.

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about the new boy i like..

me and him always flirt a lot in class. and sometimes were alone when we flirt.. well most of the time. and one of the days when we were alone... i think it was this last thursday.. he was like "why dont you just kiss me?" i wasn't ready so i said "i dont know.. im kinda scared" his reply was"well let me know when you're ready". and today he asked me if i was ready and i was like "yeah i think so" so he kissed me. it was kinda awkward cuz im still not used to attention from other guys.

i dont know what he wants to do with this. he doesnt talk to me at regular school, but thats cuz hes a senior and im a junior and we have totally different classes, but he talks to me at career center. i dont know whether or not he just likes me and wanted a kiss or whether things will go somewhere.


the only problem about starting up another relationship is that im scared to. i dont want to totally let me ex go because we are extremely close.

i just dont want to hurt him and i dont want to tell him that me and this other boy kissed. i know i probably should tell him, but it will cause SO MUCH drama.. im just scared...

ugh i pry should have told him no, right?




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Hi. I'm not qualified to give you any dating advice, especially not related to high school dating since I never dated in high school.


However, I do know one thing. You are not obligated in any way to have sex with a guy whether in a relationship or not.

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You don't have to tell you ex-bf anything about the new guy..... What for?


He already hurt you by flip flopping back to his ex-gf... No need to tell him anything.. He is an ex for a reason...


This new guy..... I would take things slow and then get a better idea of what he is looking for... Sounds pretty "playerish" to say to a girl "why don't you kiss me already"... So, give him the benefit of the doubt, but, if he is looking to move things up physically and you aren't comfortable with that... slow down...

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charley im confused by what you said. i don't plan on having sex with him, atleast not for a while.. if something even starts happening.. which im not totally sure it will..


Lansing; I think that the guy you are talking about is the boy i went out on a few dates with. he was never really my boyfriend [which im happy to admit that now because i see that he's an * * * * *]. The ex I was talking about, was my ex who I was with for 3 years, who is my best friend.


Although I feel it is very important to tell Chris, my ex of three years, I don't really want to because I don't want to hurt him, and really, it wasn't a great kiss.


Yeah, i think that is a bit "playerish" of him to ask/demand? me to kiss him like that. He should have been more respectful and said something like "would you mind if i kissed you"


I'm just not totally sure I'm ready for something to start up. In a way, I'm still a bit hung up on my ex....

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charley im confused by what you said. i don't plan on having sex with him, atleast not for a while.. if something even starts happening.. which im not totally sure it will..


Yeah, i think that is a bit "playerish" of him to ask/demand? me to kiss him like that. He should have been more respectful and said something like "would you mind if i kissed you"


I'm just not totally sure I'm ready for something to start up. In a way, I'm still a bit hung up on my ex....


I didn't mean that you are planning to have sex with him. I think he's the one with the plans.


It sounded like he is pressuring you. That's how I read it. Apparently others thought so to since they said he sounds like a player. I only meant to be supportive of you by saying that you don't owe him anything, not even a kiss, unless you want to. He sounds pushy to me. My only meaning is that I'm supportive of your rights and I don't like a pushy guy. I'm on your side.

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