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It comes down to this - can you look at yourself in the mirror and feel good, can you wake up in the morning guilt free, when you look at your children do you hope they will grow-up just like you, do you believe you're being honest with yourself or are you just caught up in some fictitous movie trying to save that "pretty woman"...



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Wow, that was alot.


I didnt think Id comment on this thread, but the more I read the more a single question started to burn in my mind. Thus, I had to ask it.


Tommyboy - When you wife first "caught" you having sex with another female, were you two already having troubles? Or did the fact that she didnt want to have sex anymore come after that incident?


Do you get where Im going with this? If she was having sex with you then you went and had sex and was caught with another girl, then suddenly she doesnt want sex, it makes sense. 1 + 1 = 2


*shrugs* Just a thought.


Lotsa Love

Rain Gate

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I really wonder about his wife and how much she knows. What she thinks. There are people who do turn a blind eye to the spouse having another on the side... as long as their little world stays the same. Meaning... they are married simply for the comfort and security tha the marriage bond affords.


I don't think I'd like this type of relationship. As another poster said... you have to be able to look at yourself in the mirror.


YEP... There's a lot of stone throwing because its not a generally accepted principle in our monogomous society.


But then again.. things to do change. Not so long ago we'd have never had sit com soap opera's dealing with POLYGOMOUS lifestyles... and yet, we do now.


So to interacial marriages weren't acceptable or talked about... same goes with same sex marriage. We see it more and accept it. Not that much of a taboo.


However... the way he described this relationship.. it really was a PAY FOR SEX type deal. It wasn't even an affair of the heart where two souls lose their heads and hearts over each other in the name of love. THIS is a business contract. Money exchanged for services. And yes.... we're all a little offended at the idea.


He talked about LOVE a few posts down. THIS changes the thread.... he thinks he maybe buying her LOVE. Not the first time its happened.. lol. SHE DOES NOT LOVE HIM.. she won't even kiss him on the lips. Its a contract deal.


Quite obviously.. he is NOT happy having to pay for it. He feels like a PERVERT and he wants to quit. If his marriage at home was a "good" one... mayhap he wouldn't be paying for sex on the side. Who knows. HIS wife could be happy as a CLAM with the way things are. Happy as a CLAM that she doesn't have to perform for him... but enjoy the fruits of his labor. Tommyboys jaunt on the net may just upset WIFES apple-cart. Do you see what I'm saying. lol.


I hope he does quit seeing this woman. She won't love him or appreciate him the way he longs to be. And I do hope he comes to some kind of resolution to the issues in his marriage.


Tommyboy.. I do hope you'll come back and let us know how you are... and what happens. Wishing you all the best.

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Well thnx for all your fabulous responses> Let me tell you my sex life with my wife went for a ball 1 year after my 1st son was born. I guess I was also a more tolerant and calmer person those days . You see with time after we married and upgraded ourselves so she immersed herself in her business and so I got immersed in my business. I even tell her I am going for sexy massage and she just laughs. Of course I can never love anyone I do Like my wife. Blood in blood out. But I am 40 years of age and tired of the same old humdrum of daily life.


I was with my babe(23yrs old) yesterday and wow was it fantastic, I feel like a schoolboy again. Dont get me wrong, I am no weekling. I wont let anyone get the better of me neither my wife nor my gal. I am from fighting stock so little ups and downs dont bother me. I am not American, somehow the Americans dramatise everything, thats why they have therapy for everything. I dont need big lectures nor do I need to be on Oprah.


Yesterday I told her baby I am not happy if you wont kiss me lets call it a day. She quickly said ok to my demands. Look let me tell you as well I like this little power game, I really do. Let me tell you I am capable of many things and god has always smiled upon me. Somehow I have always been lucky and this girl is part of my luck. I dont want to fight it, just enjoy her, because all the tough times I have had are now being rewarded to me.


So ladies if you vehemently criticize me it is because of the way you have been brought up. I can t judge you for that. Gents if you criticize me tell me this, if you are an elderly person and a young sexually virile female is within your reach, wont you plan on getting her.

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I am not American, somehow the Americans dramatise everything, thats why they have therapy for everything. I dont need big lectures nor do I need to be on Oprah.


If you don´t need any of that why are you even posting on this site? U do realize is all you're gonna get, don't you? Or you just love the attention?


Cuz this site is pretty much made of big lectures. So what exactly are you looking for here?

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I also wonder why you are posting here.


I feel that your paying a prostitute for sex should not be confused with your calling her your 'lady' your 'gal' your 'babe'. Do not confuse it. She is nothing but a paid prostitute.


Does your wife know you are paying someone else for sex? You mention you tell her that you are getting a sexy massage. But, how much does she really know?

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If you don´t need any of that why are you even posting on this site? U do realize is all you're gonna get, don't you? Or you just love the attention?


Cuz this site is pretty much made of big lectures. So what exactly are you looking for here?


My very first post on this thread....Number 42.


What the heck are you doing here then Tommyboy???


Live on/Rock on....


If you feel so darned "great" about yourself... "why do you have a need to BRAG about it" feeling a little insecure? or just loving the attention? Dontcha get enough attention from friends, wife and your "BABY"???

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You are looking for attention Tommy by merely posting here

you are looking for attention that your wife is not giving you, that is why you pay a protitute to give you attention.........

you should be ashamed of yourself a grown 40 year old, well guess what i am not an american, i dont live in american and I say YOU need to see a therapist, and also go get tested!

you have a right to feel like a schoolboy.....you are acting just as immature as one, its ashame i cant say all what's exactly on my mind on this forum !

men like u jumping for every cheap frocktail, while putting the wife at risk!


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You can can look at things from this way or that way, upside down, inside out and back to front, analyse and criticize US all you like, but you KNOW deep down inside you that this 'girl' does not want you the way you want her, does not love you the way you love her, and will never be yours..



She'll kiss you now because you have forced her hand i.e. that you tried to take away the thing she wants most and thats your money.. Open your eyes. Protect your heart.

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I still don't know exactly what it is you want from us or why you think god would lead you here.


What is the problem you have tommyboy?


You seem to have everything you want.


Please enlighten us or go on with your good life as it is.............

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I'm just amazed at the reactions people have towards Tommyboy. I don't agree with it, sure, but the way you women trash on him and his lifestyle is rude. Many of you sound as though you've been trashed by men for an entire lifetime, and sound so sexist about 'cheating pigs' and 'disgusting trash' of men..


I in no way agree with cheating on a wife, and the like.


But, he's obviously admitted it to be an addiction. Any addiction is going to be hard to break.. If his wife knows, and I would assume she has an idea. Money missing from the daily income doesn't go un-noticed for a long time.


Not to mention, while he's physically endangering his body w/ the sex.. It's not much different than a married man visiting porno sites on his computer before leaving the office to go have dinner with his wife and kids. It's all psychological in the end that hurts.


It's obviously marriage issues that cause this. Regardless of what reason it is, I'm just taken back by the reactions.. Honest or not.

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