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Advice seeked!

ToxiC SweateR

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First, thanks to everyone who helps me out! You guys are the greatest.


Anyways, this all started last night, when my female friend asked me if I could give her a ride home tomorrow from school. "Sure, no problem," I said. Well, today I got to school and everything started out alright. But, by the end of the day, I told my girlfriend I'd give her a ride home, too. She was okay with that part, but when I told her that I would take my other friend home, she completely flipped on me. She accused me of liking her MORE than a friend, and no matter how much I assured her, promised her that I didn't, she wouldn't buy it. She says that if she was single, i'd be all over her.


However, if you haven't guessed it, this isn't true at all. Fact is, I don't really even like her (that much) as a friend, muchless a sexual friend!](*,)](*,)


My question is this: I've tried to talk to her, now what? Do I just stand back and let this one blow over? Do I keep trying to talk to her?




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sorry i read your post wrong at first. but i do think this other girl does like you. and i don't blame your gf for being jealous. anytime your gf isn't ok with something you do talk about it first. meaning she didn't like you giving the other girl a ride home so then it's simple.... don't give the othe girl a ride home. you made your gf feel bad, dude.

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