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ok, i wasn't sure where to put this, i'm not pregnant (i KNOW i'm not so this is not an issue here) but this is a woman's question and it is on a woman's board lol. i'm due for a period on Friday, but last week and this week i've had bad abdominal pain (like cramps), my ovaries hurt too i think, and any little thing can make me just want to cry sooo bad. I've NEVER had PMS in my life before, and i'm in the middle of it right now, my question is, can PMS last 2 weeks? can cramps last for a week too?

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I routinely get crampy up to 2 weeks prior to the start of any bleeding. If I have been taking Provera (progesterone) to induce a period (I have a very irregular cycle due to PCOS), the Provera makes me either highly irritable or suicidally depressed after being on it for a few days.


So, I'd say the answer to your questions are yes, PMS can last two weeks and you can be crampy prior to any bleeding going on.


For now, I'd just observe it. I'm guessin' this is not your normal pattern, but sometimes our cycles can get thrown off by small things. If you go back to what's normal for you next month, I woudn't worry about this. You may have been under more stress this month, or maybe not eaten as well as other months, or any number of things. If your cycle continues to deviate from what's been normal for you next month, you might want to at least speak to your doctor or a nurse at your doc's office about it.

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You're still young, so your cycle may still change has you get a little older. PMS can be made worse by stress or even diet so its hard to say what causes it to happen for every woman. I found skipping periods made it worse and high stress times make me really depressed with all the hormonal fluctuations. I started taking a ortho tricyclen and that helped alleviate most of my cramping and mood swings. Starting birth control is a good way to regulate your cycle and hormone levels.

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I normally have cramps anywhere from 10 days to 2 weeks each month (for 13 years - since I was 12). Ibuprophen is the best painkiller. Midol is not as good, since it is just ibuprophen with caffeine added. The caffeine is supposed to help with PMS by stimulating you, but it also makes your pain worse. So better not to take midol or drink coffee when you're having crazy pain.


Some birth control pills can actually make the pain worse, though, so you can try different ones to see what works for you, if it comes down to that.

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