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Visiting Colleges? When should you do it? How do you arrange it?


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I arranged an appointment with my guidance counselor this morning and told her about my stress about my full course load this year and how I was worried about applying to college and all that oh-so-fun stuff.


She told me I should call the admissions department of my first choice schools and arrange an interview as well as touring the campus and talking to students. She said that the college will then open a file on me or something and it'll give me peace of mind about my chances.


I thought this was odd because I'm only a sophomore and it seems to early to be visiting schools. AND I don't even know who I should call or when or if they'll be irritated that some brat's bugging them.


Can anyone give me some advice? Thanks!

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My uni likes to have any age of people look. I did my college visits junior and senior year, which was a waste of time since I was only interested in one school.


Good things to look for is the arrangement of the college, how far are the dorms from campus, what are the accreditations of the program you're interested in, what specialties are offered. I was interested in engineering and had 3 schools on my list 2 had the specific program I wanted, 1 didn't, it was a high ranked school, but not what I liked. The other 2 came down to distance from my family, cost, and rank of their programs. I also considered the school's national and international reputation so that when I have my degree it will be worth while no matter where I want to go for a job.

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Ask if you can have a meeting with the dean of admission in your department of interest.


Dean of admissions? That sounds like a really high up position! Wouldn't they get irritated because they're really busy? Sorry! I know I keep on asking questions but I'm not used to calling colleges!

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