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Don't know what to do...

lost and alone

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Ok here's the backstory...My girlfriend and I went out for over a year. During this time, I had a hard time getting her to orgasm. I tried every trick i knew, but she was really only responsive to my fingers. I am not used to this by anymeans. Other women i have been with have been pleased. She has been sexually assalted and i am the only other person she has been with. I suggested that maybe she should seek counseling, but she won't do it.


We broke up about 4-5 mths ago and recently she has come back into my life. At first the sex was wild, now it has started to calm down. I came close to having her orgasm once with my penis..since then nothing. She takes so long to get in the moment that by the time she does, i'm bored or i'm ready to finish. I try so hard to get her to orgasm quicker, but for some reason i can't. She runs her fingers through my hair and kisses me but that's it. I know there is another guy with a post like this and mine is similar to his..Because of this, i usually use my fingers to stimilate her until she is almost there, then i will use my penis to get her off. Sometimes, though i still use my fingers. She complains that i "lose her" and when i ask her what i should be doing, she says she doesn't know. I have tried to talk to her about this but she cannot tell me anything.


Since we have gotten back together, i have been with two women. She has been with one guy..but not "all the way" Recently, she has told me that while i can get her going, she gets turned off when i stick my penis inside of her because i was with two other women while we were broke up. What's up with that? I mean we weren't together, but she says it goes through her mind. It goes through my mind too that she was with the other guy, but i dont let it bother me. When i bring it up, she says well at least i didn't go all the way.


I really don't know what to do. I have asked her to forgive me as its not like i knew we were going to get back together (we had a bad breakup) and things are really good now except for this. Yesterday while sitting down I made some remark to her and she quipped back with she wanted for once a good lay. My feelings were hurt and she saw this, smiled and said she was just kidding, but i even asked her if it was my penis size. I'm only 6 in btw. I'm happy with what i got but i am just so confused. She said she thought about it, but it's not that. i really don't know what to do...Can someone please help me?


Btw she has already mentioned to me that the finger thing is getting old and that she wants to orgasm to my penis. When i tried to tell her that not every girl does orgasm..she told me that all of her "friends" (that i dont like) told her that they orgasm with guys almost every time....

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I'm not sure why, but thats the way it is. Most of the nerve endings are on the clitoris and thats just the easiest way for most women to orgasm. And if she's close, maybe she'll get there, but you are putting way to much pressure on each other. Sex should be fun, not a chore or work. Also you'll need to work out the trust issues you have, since you guys had a break and it seems like she is having a hard time coping with what happened.

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