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Well not long ago some of my good mates came out about being bi and they made me tell them it was scary.And yeah so now some people know but not many.And also my boyfriend well he is sort of doesnt like gay people.so im not going to tell him but it will be hard.But now (the people who came out)act differently.


Has anyone been or going through this and can give me a little bit of advice?

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I started coming out to my friends a couple of months ago because I had met a girl who I really liked and ended up in a relationship with. I was very lucky that the first couple of people I came out to where awsome about it. I then came out to an old friend (and ex-boyfriend from 10th grade) of mine from high school and he freaked out on me. He said some of the meanest things I'd heard ever in my entire life (and people have said some pretty mean stuff to me in the past). After that I stopped telling people. I found that I began avoiding talking to some of the people I'm closest to because it meant avoiding talking about my now ex-girlfriend who was then a huge part of my life. I really missed one of my best friends in particular, but felt that I couldn't talk to her anymore because I was afraid that she'd judge and criticize me like my old friend had. Yesterday she called me up and told me that a mutual friend had told her. She told me that she didn't care what my sexual orientation was, that I was one of her best friends and that she'd accept and care about me no matter what. This girl is/was a conservative, homophobic, small town girl, but she's trying to get over it now, because our friendship is more important to her.


My point is, we don't always choose who we are and what our sexual orientation is, but the people who truly care about us will accept us for who we are. Part of being honest with yourself is being honest with the people who care about you. If they have a problem with it and they really care about us, they'll get over it... and if they don't they're really not worth your time.

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Hey thanks everyone.


Well when we all sorta 'came out' i had come back because i was at work and then we just started talking bout it and my best friend was scared to tell me and then they made me admit that i was.So we all talked about it and yeah but now sometimes when they talk bout each other huggin they say that they dont do it as much because someone always thinks weirdly about them


alilconfused- im so sorry.Thats a really sad story,

My friend who was like a big brother he would act the same way

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hey babe, i dont act diff to u i love you just as much if coming out has done anything it has done good, i used to fake everything like with zayd and ppl like that just trying to be someone else never helped i am happy that all of us were honest lol well a room full of gay chicks yay well love you tones and keep ur chin up cause acting differently is what u think there doing but i recon u just look at everything diff now cause i did dw bout nething love ya

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I dont act differently cuz I have always been bi to you


anyway, WELL I THINK and this is just me cuz i dont give a **** what ppl think about me. Basically if someone I know as at least a say hello and talk sometimes friend asks me about it then i tell them but i dont think strangers have the right to know unless you feel like being very open with everyone. I mean if your friends act differently around you after you tell them. It takes some adjusting.


But your saying the other ppl who came out are acting differently.


Now I know that girls are a lot more free and open with each other then guys...like majorly anyway. so mabye now they can show their true sexualitys around you without being catious mabye this is who they really are and their not hiding their selves anymore.

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