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Women, does 'bug-phobia' turn you off?


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Are you turned off by men who are mortified by roaches and spiders?


I found a spider in my kitchen today. This is after a year of living in an apartment which was bug-free. I freaked out. I didn't want any creepy crawlies in my nest. But I don't like killing bugs either. So I trapped it in a jar and released it outside.

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I would want my guy to NOT be afraid of spiders. It wouldn't turn me if he were a little bit cautious about them but if he happened to be all "girly" afraid of them, I might tend to think he was "wimpy" .


I am the one with the spider phobia and I'd need someone that would whack those nasty critters for me. I want'em dead. Every single one of them.


NO trap and release for me. They have to lose their life if they are in my house. Other bugs I have no problem taking care of myself, but the spiders are a different story.

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LOL - My question is:


Same exact situation but you have your girlfriend there. Would you allow her to kill it or catch it if she was there?


My ex was terrified of spiders. My brother is too. I can handle seeing them yelp and run around trying to get it even though they are scared. I guess I can even handle having to get it myself at this point. I used to hate having to kill or catch a spider. But living alone with my two children for a few years, I don't mind as much now.

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My boyfriend is scared of spiders' date=' and refuses to put them out for me when I see one in my room. It doesn't really bother me at all, because its a stereotype that guys should be tough and brave. I don't blame you, or him, for being scared of nasty little bugs.[/quote']


What a funny thread! What does it mean to put a spider "out"?


Ya know, I've always been very aggressive at killing spiders but about three years ago I got bit by Brown Recluse and the worst part was I never knew where the eight leged attack took place. So it could have been in my own home.


So for about a year after that bite I was so freaked out that I was very "jumpy". I mean I'd see my own shadow out of the corner of my eye and gasp "my god!"


But I now have a crusade to kill all spiders . they are evil and shall not share the earth I live on as long as I'm alive. So my next girl friend will have to realize that although I'll jump out of my skin at first sight, I'll then go after that lil son of a biscuit eater and then find his family, and make him watch as I kill them all, all his eggs and then free all the moths in his web before spraying his freakin stupid web with hair spray .


I probably need to get some help

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I find it endearing when my guy friends have charming lil quirks.


I'd kill a roach or a spider for a guy friend any day, so no worries!


However if there is an alligator present he better save me! I have an irrational fear of gators.

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im pretty scared of spiders.... if i have no choice i'll kill it... but its a pretty well known fact amongst people i know that I freaking hhhaaattteee them... and i dont think people think im a big wuss for that? maybe they do... =\

oddly enough one of my fav. superheros is Spiderman too... what gives?

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wow, I'm a trap and release guy when it comes to bugs.. I'm surprised of how many of you are bloodthirsty like "wipe them out. All of them." Spiders are 1000 times more scared of you lot than you're of them. And for a good reason. /senseless killing hate rant

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LOL!!! It wouldnt put me off a guy, if anything i would be laughing and find it rather amusing! I can deal with spiders,even bees and wasps, catch em and set em free....but my phobia is daddylonglegs.....eeeeek!! if i see one of those then IM the one screaming and flapping...and i know i shouldnt but i have to kill em, its just instinct cant help it!

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I am not afraid of spiders. I actually find them to be the second most fascinating insect right behind the Ant. If my girl wants me to kill one, consider it obliterated. If not, I'll watch it.


But roaches. Aaaahhh!


I am not ashamed to say that I am absolutely terrified of the huge ones, and pretty darn scared of them in general. I don't know why, all they can do to me is run for their lives. I literally get the heebee geebees when I see them. I start feeling all over myself and running around in circles like a 5 year old girl. I truly believe they give off some type of defense mechanism that puts fear into the human brain. I mean, can these critters even fight? They have to have some type of defense, and I think it's fear.


If a roach came up to me and said he was taking over the house and wanted me to scram, all I can do is tell him that the rent is do on the last friday of the month and then I'm outta there like a bat outta hell.


As for those cute little spiders though, I can't see the fear factor other than the stigma that comes with them. I wouldn't let one crawl up my arm, but I don't run from them either... unless they have a roach with them.

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I'm not scared of bugs or spiders and have no problem killing them...so yeah

I'd think it's lame if a guy were freaking out over some bug. But I wouldn't lose interest/dump a guy who was afraid of them. And I wouldn't hold it against him...unless it's just a grandaddy longlegs and he's screaming like a little girl...haha, I'd probably crack jokes on the guys too.


But as long as some girl doesn't even know you have a bug-phobia I don't see why it matters.

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Ya, I'm a trap and release guy too, except when it comes to roaches. I find all non-bug critters cool though. Reptiles are awesome. Back home (not in America) we used to let lizards have the run of the house. Every once in a while, we'd see a lizard with a giant roach in its jaws. It was awesome. LOL. I'm cool with snakes too, but I'd keep my distance. I get very mad at people who kill nonpoisonous snakes.

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