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Well i recently realised i was bi, after meeting a girl i totally fell for. At first i didn't want to tell anyone. Its against my religion and some of my friends have told me they are against bi or gay people. Now that i've thought about it i want my close friends to know and have told quite a few of them. But there are two or three guys i really want to tell simply because they are what i would concider best friends. I think they deserve to know. But how do i tell people who frequently tell me they are agasint what i am? It was hard enough to tell the people i know won't judge me without being rejected by the people i trust and love. Should i tell them or wait things out. If i should does anyone have any advice on how to break it?

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It sounds like you might be in a rush to tell everyone and if you are wondering if you are then you most likely are. If you are going crazy because you really want someone to know then I would start by choosing the friend who already has a gay or lesbian friend and seems okay with it. This is what I did when I first came out. Before you come out to anyone you need to feel like it is safe to do so. If people can't accept you then they are not true friends.


It's been 2.5 years since I came out to someone. There's only a few friends that know about me. There's a few that I'm thinking about telling. It's a very private and personal thing to tell someone, esp. if they have known you as being straight all of your life.


If you do decide to come out I would just let the person know that there's something that you want to tell them. It's easier over the phone. lol Then I would say, "I've come to the realization that I'm bisexual." Then wait for their response.

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If you want to tell people are if they are true friends they will love you for who you are. If i was scared to see what tey would say i would proberly tell them over msn or text message or something. But hey its up to you and you dont need to rush just do it at you own speed

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Yeah so far i've only told one person two people face to face and that was after they admitted that they were to me... I'm not really in a rush, just i hate keeping things from my close friends. I know its very personal which is why i've been selective but i don't know i guess i just want people to know so i don't have to pretend...

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Yeah i really get what you are saying. Okay well do you have a girlfriend yet? do you want one or are you just staying single for now?

Tell them then but just be prepared that time likethis you find out your true real friends

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No i don't and i'm not really looking for anyone at the moment. I met this guy at a friends thing but i'm prettysure he liked my bestie. I don't know see thats what it comes to i don't want to loose the people i love. I guess i was venting more then anything sorry for wasting your time and thanks lost&broken!

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If some of your friends won't want to be your friend after finding out you're bi, then they were never really friends in the first place...so I think you should tell them, then you'll see who your real friends are.


Also...be careful what you're doing - you're posting this in here...and there are also some of your real life friends on this forum (liza and matty are the ones that come ot mind there might be more) I'm not saying you can't trust them but maybe they showed this site to other people you know in real life and word will get out...might end up with everyone knowing..


And most important of all, that's a cool looking hat you got there!

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Thanks fallout... Thats the thing though they are real friends they have helped me and given me hugs when i'm down. They make more of an effort then i do to catch up if we havent seen each other in while and they are good people. I've only known them a year or two but it feels like they've been a part of my life the whole way through... I trust them.


Matty and Liza and I would tell each other if someone else we know was on here i'm pretty sure. When we thought another friend was on here they checked it all out and made sure it wasn't and stuff.


Thanks it was my friends but he said i could have it after camp so i wore it the whole camp lol.

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Awww..someone gives you a finger and you take the whole hand...along with the hat in that hand lol


Anyway so what have you decided ? Based on that info I think you should tell them...keep us posted anyway...and why the hell would you wear a sweater in australia ??

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was reading your "Dear Diary" journal thingy and i know this is SO random and no offence but are you crazy??? you said --> "I mean look at me i'm huge and ugly i don't deserve food. And stupid me can't even throw up properly. I wish i could. I wish i could be beautiful"...

You are so NOT ugly... honestly your gorgeous... *sigh* can't believe YOU said that...


PS. Apologies for random outburst =D

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  • 1 month later...
Sorry i hadn't checked this thread... Well thanks everyone That certainly gave me a boost. But i know i'm not... Thanks for your comments though. You know how to make a girl feel good.


Awww once again you say that, maybe if one person said it yeah then it could be bull, but a few people here do so has to be true. Smile and start to feel good about yourself soon hey

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No, but it doesn't matter... Guess what that guy that i thought would be really hard to tell. Well i told him and he said he doesn't judge me and even though he doesn't agree with it he isn't against it I'm so happy. He also said he already knew in the back of his mind but didn't want to ask me that lol. I'm just glad i'm opening up to people

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Haha, good job! I still haven't brought up the courage to tell me friends. I may tell one of my close friends real soon, he should understand. After all, he "was" gay (looong story), so he should understand.


And about you thinking your ugly, your not, your really beautiful. I'm not just saying that either, I thought that when you first replied to my thread too.

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I actually just wrote out my short little coming out spiel that I'm going to write/send to some people on AIM. The one good thing about gossip is that some of my friends can hopefully tell other friends so I don't have to tell everyone! Maybe the same thing can happen for you...

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  • 2 months later...

only one of my close friends doesn't know but I dont think i will ever be able to tell her ......her mom is like my second mom and her mom has made rude comments about gay ppl and lesbians. I mean ....her mom is a bit racist too ....im the only mixed (black and greek) person that she knows and shes comortable with me becaue we were neighbors since i was 4 yrs old . Anyways Ive told everybody elsse that Im atracted to girls but not her. I just cant take that rejection its too hard. One of her friendss is alesbian and when she found out she moved her out off her top friendss on myspace and stopped talking to her i think shes naive because shes told me "can you elieve hes a lesbian ..i even changed in front of her" ....anyways my friendhip with her iss shallow these day because i cant really talk to her about my love lie because she doesnt know she does assk me occasionaly why i have never had a boyfriend.

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