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I'm a high school senior planning to go to college next fall. I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I decided I would like to join a pharmacy program at college. It would last 6 years. I was wondering if there are any pharmacists here or someone who could give me advice on this... what to expect, good decision or no, etc. Thanks!!

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I was a physical therapist for 6 years... I loved it when I could do it (had an accident) but if you want something a little more removed pharmacy is a great choice...


I have 2 friends who were bio-engineering majors that work at NASA now... (but I do live in Texas) and they love that...

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Yeah, pharmacy is a touch major, but it's well worth it. You can get a job anywhere in the US you want, immediately, as pharmacists are in short supply and you'll start off making around 80K with lots of upward movement in the payscale!! Well, let's see, actually 6 years from now you can expect to make probably more than 80K starting out.


Go for it!!

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