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What life do you want?

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I was musing over the wreckage and joy of my past and thought this might have some meaning to those like me who are coping with starting over.

In a handy paragraph, what do you want your life to resemble, not as window dressing for others, but what would be your personally best life based upon your current trajectory and expectations?


Since I have the hubris to start such a thread, here's my rambling:


I'd like a home full of eclectic crap, a garage with a few classic old motos like I grew up on, a shop for the many arts and crafts I love and a job that pays the bills. I want to explore the natural world, classic literature, listen to music and fiddle around with making my own noises.

I want an exceptional woman to hold me and tuck in my stray collar, and friends who've been around the block who know the score. I want a dog who loves me without fail, and a feeling I did something for someone other than myself. Each New Year's Day I want to know the prior 365 days were worth living. At the end I want to see the sky as the lights dim.

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You are a romantic at heart Dako.


I want a small to medium financially stable horse Ranch nestled deep in heart of a thick green meadow and full of trees. Where my kids could join me and make an honest living with nature as our foundation.


A two story log cabin heated only by a couple of wood burning stoves. Five or six dogs, no cats...maybe a bird or two.


I dont know what else, guess I'll have to think on it.

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a good wife, kids and humble house........all of us to have a strong catholic faith, never judging others and generally helping out people in need.......in a stable job that can give us holidays 2ce a year as a family......


thats wat i want

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I want a job that pays my bills, but never comes home with me. I want to be able to paint, do my crafty things, and keep a neat little garden. I'd like to have a big enough plot of land to be buffered from people, but not alone in the dark, some place I can have a few critters. Sleep every night in a big warm bed beside the guy I love and wake up every morning to his smile.

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I want hope for the future which I dont have now. I want someone who when they say they love you they really mean it and will never leave. A woman who can accept me not only the good but the less than good also. A job that pays the bills that I look forward to going to almost every day and a little house to come home to at night. A dog, who I know will be loyal because they always are. And being able to help out family and friends when they need it. Nothing else really matters.

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I want to have a "real" relationship with a guy that cares about me for who I am and not who I CAN be for him. I want a decent paying job so I can subsist without depending on someone. I want to be able to have my guinea pigs around me, hearing them chirp and burble. I dont want kids. I want good friends, good health, and a decent house.

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I want a fairly sleek house (I like modern furniture, ha!) with a husband who's really involved with raising our two kids (I'm in charge of their academic progress though!!!)...And we'd have a dog. No soccer mom friends for me though, my social life would most likely be at work. I'd be doing a lot of research on my own at home, too. The preferred pasttime would be going to theaters AND basketball games...

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In a perfect world I would finish this book and never have to work again. I would be able to live independent of a job that I don't enjoy anymore and would be able to work from home so that my physical handicaps wouldn't matter and my kids would always have me around and could join all the little clubs and organizations they want to....


I would be able to build a home that suits us, and not live in a place that gives me heartburn to open the *tiny* closets. We would have skylights to watch the rain fall and solar panels to take advantage of the Texas sun.


I could write my stories, forget about grad school, forget about physical therapy and the lecherous doc I work for... I would always be within 30 foot of my own toilet (lol).



Mmm. That was nice to think about. I think I am going to go write some for a while.... Haven't gotten back to it since the hospital.

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Dako, you are a romantic at heart! Wanna marry me?


I want to be an eccentric old woman with a grey power-bob one day and a devoted husband. Live near the sea, travel travel travel and laugh at my previous failed relationships while sipping champagne, sitting on a cashmere blanket in my mansion on a hill overlooking the ocean while it rains outside - ha ha ha ha!

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To put it into words....


I want to get married. I want to have the family I've always dreamed of, my two kiddies, a husband, and at least one more child. I want a nice home for our family, hopefully with lots of trees and maybe a little land. I want to feel like I get something (more than necessities) by going to work each day. I want true security.


And in a perfect world - I'd love to stay at home and be that soccer mom. I'd love nothing more than to care for my family, keep house, and focus 100% on that rather than that thing called work. I would have love to live earlier in this century. To be back to the past traditions of mom's being able to stay home.

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i'm starting over, so i guess i'll throw in. i'd like to have a life in balance: some quiet evenings, some wild nights. i want to memorize the Tao Te Ching and walk it like i talk it. i want to master the ancient arts of Chinese philosophy and Japanese knot-tying, and perfect the modern art of skid-row photography. i want to feed somebody who's hungry. i want to prevent a hundred needless deaths.


bring back the Monroe Doctrine! i'd like to get people fired up about combining all of the Western Hemisphere into one peaceful giant, a benevolent superstate called Nuevo America. for that matter, i want to be a whiz at the Spanish language.


i want my heart to remain that of a child until it stops of its own accord, and i want others to be positively influenced by my attitude. i want to walk the path of contentment and i want my conscience to guide those steps.


i want to publish a book that does something beyond killing time for its readers. i want to know my world intimately: in the city, in the wilderness and under the ocean. i want to live with a dog as smart as a person, and with a person as faithful as a dog. i want to want nothing.


and a solid gold Rolls-Royce please, Santa.

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