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hi im a 19 yr old male i was with a girl for 2and a half months and she broke up with me 2nite.this was the first girl that i thought i really had a future with. neways she has SATs these next 2 wx and shes applying to colleges( shes a senior in high school). tonite she said she wanted to take time off cuz of her studies and shes really stressed.which i understand completely. but were do i go from here?i think this past week i called her alot for ex.if she didnt pick up id call her 4-5 times in an hour.did this scare her away? i mean she really has deep feelings for me and i have deep feelings for her. do the chances of us getting back together sound good....or is this a nice was of permanently breakin up?? where do i go from here??please help me i feel so lost.

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You gotta look at it this way, if she broke off the relationship, then her feelings weren't that strong for you (anymore). 2 months isn't really enough time to see if you've got a future with anyone (in my opinion...don't flame me ). You'll have more relationships in the future...Cheer up

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i kno it sounds korny but rite now i dont feel like i could ever feel close again i guess it was partly my fault b/c i was to naive i jus hit it off so well with this girl

i told her that i was still her friend and she said she "thinx" that we could get back together so idk.she is goin to the football game tomrow idk if i should go jus to say hi or not.

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I would definitely say hi, and ask her how her studies are going (in a nice way, not a bitter you-dumped-me-for-your-SATs tone). Also, if this is an amicable "break" rather than an "I don't care about you one bit" breakup, you could try giving her a good luck card and/or a little care package (put in plenty of caffeine for those longs night of filling out college apps!). Don't make a big deal out of it though, have it be one of those "I'm thinking of you" gestures. Maybe just leave it by her door.


And DON'T call her. It really is a stressful time, and she won't appreciate getting interrupted (this is why if you do anything, make it inobtrusive). Let her be for now.

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the card does sound like a really good idea. here is the txt message that she wrote me "hey hun its me megan i dont wanna do this but i have no choice but we need to spend time apart i need to concentrate on everything that is going on now wit school and things are moving too fast. we could still hangout but for now things need to slow down." that hit me like a point blank shot strate in the face. the thing is she never told me how much times she needed 2 weeks,a month,6 weeks,????i dk.i told her that i respect and support her decision...wat else can i do...arguing with her will only make her feel worse and thats the las thing i wanna do.

Im stuck between loving her and at the same time protecting myself...the more i anticipate us getting back together...the more its gonna torture me. does this sound reasonable........i will wait a few days and give her a good luck card...then after her SATS which are oct.14th i will ask her how she feels about us getting backtogether. if she is still not sure...then im gonnna look to date other people..maybe that sounds harsh i have strong feelings for this girl...but there comes a point were one must say. "i gotta move on"please give me some insight here i never delt with "taking a break before" wat should i do? how long should i wait to ask her again if she wants to be with me?

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