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Don't get it mixed up, i'm not getting bullied by my girlfriend, it's by this nuisense at school who always flirts with her. I asked him (nicely) to please stop, and I got a response somewhere along the lines of "Go f___ yourself."


So today, I was walking to class, and he and his so-called "friends" were trying to provoke me. Of course, I ignored it and moved on. But, what really is starting to make me angry, is that I know he will do this again.


I'm just curious on everyones thoughts as to what I should do. I know the obvious choice is to tell someone, but i'm curious as to an alternative.

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Law abiding thing to do would be report his friends actions to your school. Principal, or whoever. Dunno what they could do but its worth a try.


If it were me, id take the next time I saw the guy by himself and knock his teeth out. If he doesnt get the hint then id be surprised. Im ususally not one to advocate violence, but if hes gonna round up his hooligan friends and possibly get you hurt, id take the offensive.

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I admire the fact that you're standing up to the guy, but you don't want to look like the kind of boyfriend who feels threatened by his actions. If you act secure and confident, as though you know his flirting won't get him anywhere, it won't be nearly as much fun for him to try to make you jealous.


How does your girlfriend respond to the flirting? Has she asked him to stop? If you're doing this to stand up for her (not just to remove his competition), why don't you try tackling this together? If all three of you are in the same place, she tells him that she's not inerested and you confirm that you'd like him to stop, that could potentially be more effective than you trying to win the battle by yourself. Teamwork!


In my experience, telling someone hasn't been terribly effective. Once their punishment is carried out, they'll be out for revenge...

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I think the important person in this is your g/f. If she is ambivalent, or enjoys his attention, you shouldn't be standing up for her. It's not your responsibility.

If she doesn't like what he's doing, then *both* of you should complain to the principal. It'll do way more good than either of you complaining alone. Authority is also more likely to listen to her complaint than yours.

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As someone who was almost killed by a bully and at an all boys school that has had a dramatic influence on my life - never had a girlfriend. This is just an irritation. And someone who is mature who is mature enough to ask for advice this is not a problem for you .


So maybe just arange something where you to are holding hands or something with your girlfriend at around the same time and walk within real close proximity and just greet all of them with a hello at the same time.

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