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Sex and Romance


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ya! just like the name of this section.


I had been enjoying casual sex for the past 9 years.

9 years of being single, I was able to have different sexual partners almost whenever I wanted to.


about 1 yr ago, I met my current GF. And became exclusive with her.

At first, it was purely physical. She's hot. love her body. love the sex.

All were great.


With all that above, I used to do it for a long period of time.

Not counting foreplay, I am talking about at least 30+ min. of pure sex. On top of that, I was ready to "do it" again within 10min.

I enjoy it. They do as well.


Well, with my current GF ... as we develope more into "relationship"

as I completely fell in love with her now.

a small problem came up.


I noticed our "sex" time was getting shorter and shorter.

Decided to "time" it one day.

came up with amazing 7 freaking min!

"time" it for the next 2 weeks .... averaging between 7 ~ 14 min. max.

what's wrong it me now? and no... I can't do it more than once.


I did however noticed ... each of her touch gives me extream sensation.

her kiss, her gentle touch ... just fly me through the roof.

Hence I don't last ....


I read other posts about how sex is that much better with someone you love ...


I am little lost on what's going on.

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I noticed almost the same thing with my boyfriend. Sex used to be just sex...up until when I fell deeply in love with him. Then everything changed for the both of us. A simple touch means so much more now, it gives shivers, etc. Sex wasn't just sex anymore...we were making love. I noticed the change right away.


I don't think you have anything to worry about. It sounds like your previous sexual relationships were casual without love being involved...but now it's different with this girl. Love makes a very big difference. Since you've never experienced this before, it's new. I went through it last year, I know it can be a strange feeling sometimes to have everything change on you within a short period of time.


Congratulations, though. I hope the two of you are happy together

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Hey JS,


Sometimes, switching positions or tempos can make you last longer.


Because you lose focus for a minute, making it a bit more difficult to orgasm.


Anytime you are getting close, avoid the really stimulating positions (for each person they are different).


You must be so into her that you get very excited, it's good, but maybe change the tempo if you want to go for a longer time.


Hugs, Rose

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Use the start stop method in order to last longer. Basically you go until the point of no return then you back off and then proceed to go again and keep repeating the process. Eventually you will bring yourself back to where you were and you will be able to last for a while.

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You really love her then your sex is more meaningful and you are more excited by her. Before is was purely physical, now with the emotions the sensations are more intense and you get excited faster and easier. You probably feel more satisfied even though its not as long. I don't think its such a bad thing, just enjoy yourself and make sure she's enjoying it too.

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What is wrong with 7 minutes???!?!?


7 minutes with someone you love whose "touch sends you through the roof" sounds like heaven to me and about 500 other people here...lol


Enjoy it and throw the stopwatch away... A watched pot won't boil and all that mess... Quit paying attention to it and it will resolve itself. If you love each other and the sex is great, you have no problem but the ones that you make for yourself...



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What is wrong with 7 minutes???!?!?


7 minutes with someone you love whose "touch sends you through the roof" sounds like heaven to me and about 500 other people here...lol


Enjoy it and throw the stopwatch away... A watched pot won't boil and all that mess... Quit paying attention to it and it will resolve itself. If you love each other and the sex is great, you have no problem but the ones that you make for yourself...




VERY well said. Gotta love it and I whole heartedly agree!


PS. I hope you are doing well...

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