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giving blood...

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Hey thats good on you! Its a worthy sacrifice.


Also I recently read an article regarding iron content in men and women. Men are prone to retain iron in their body, which is unhealthy, because we enjoy eating so much red meat. It is recommended men donate blood to help keep these levels low. So your not only doing a good thing, but your also helping promote a healthy body for yourself.

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Why are you one-handed?


I've given many gallons of blood without problem.


Same here...even though they generally have problems finding a decent vein. Apparently they're deep...and they move. Sometimes, I like to donate just to see how many nurses I stump.


That and they give you free cookies.....

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You are helping a wonderful cause.


I used to serve as a recruiter for blood donors for the Red Cross and I saw behind the scenes at how amazing it is, to see where the blood goes to.


Just think of the person you are helping and I think the small amount of discomfort or inconvenience will decrease in severity.


I am proud of you!


Hugs, Rose

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Just a small gripe. I just gave some blood for the Red Cross and it is interesting how i will be one handed for several hours. also how it will take 120 days for my blood to re-supply itself.


it sounds like you were dehydrated. it's EXTREMELY important that you drink tons of water before you give water. i remember i tried to give blood on one of those hot afternoons and i ended up a) with 2 bruised arms, b) not even being able to fill the bag. in general, i try to give blood with my left arm just in case something like that happens again.


oh, and DO NOT take the bandage off too early (give yourself like 8 hrs at least). i gave blood in July and decided after a couple of hours that it was fine to take the bandage off (I've done it several times before so I thought it was fine)... well, the wound wasn't quite healed and I had blood running down my arm, had to put pressure on it and raise it in the air. I ran into a nearby Starbucks to wash it off. It was um... quite embarrassing to say the least.


And you can actually give blood every 56 days:


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How often can one give blood?

Regulations in the United States allow people to donate whole blood once every 56 days. The waiting period between donations can be different for other blood components. For example, donating only platelets in a process called apheresis requires only a 3 day wait before a person can give again. Donating two units of red blood cells through a similar process doubles the waiting period to 112 days.

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The thing is they always poke my vein where my elbow is...so I can't bend that arm. 8 hours to take it off? I took it off at about 6 1/2 hours and it felt fine. But yah I did feel a little woozy after I donated the blood. And yes I am glad I've given blood. I hope being A positive definitely helps. I'm making sure to drink plenty of liquids and have been drinking water and plenty of juices. I've made sure to limit my pop intakes (as in very little). But yeah I am glad I did it.

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